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I'm Skyler Lopez. Well, I'm a girl. 16 years old. Junior in high school. And I have a dark secret, which I risk my life to protect.

My dark secret is that I know others' dark secrets. As soon as I look at someone in their eyes, I hear their voice in my brain, telling me the most horrible thing about them, that no one else knows.

I never knew about my ability until my mom's death. I lost her at an early age and was adopted by a rich couple only a week later. My real dad was a horrible person, whom I hated, and never wanted to see again.

Life was hard for me, knowing all of the horrible things about people. I wish I can erase them, but when the damage is done, it stays. 

This is a curse. And it won't be broken until the right moment. 

Who knew? I would finally find that right moment. At JSPS. John Sky Private School. 

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