Chapter 36

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"Wait, Haruki... you're just kidding... correct? Like, all of this is just a set-up and there's actually someone that we can persuade for Priya. Hahaha- funny joke. Now, can you tell us who your actual crush is, Priya?"

Everyone went quiet and the truth sunk in deeper with each moment of the horrifying silence.

"It'll be okay, Skyler," Haruki said.

"Oh, my God," I groaned, putting my hands on top of my head. "Why? Why of all people in the entire damn world."

"Hey, I can't help it," Priya said. "He's cute."

"No one cares if he's cute! He's a demon that has no respect for women! You've never even met him face to face!"

"She's honestly right," Nora agreed.

"She's right, but if Priya thinks he's her key, then he's her key. Got it?" Haruki snapped. "I couldn't care less if you guys don't like him, because that's your problem. Okay? It's what she likes."

"Has she met any of her people?" I asked.


"As in the people that you can trust enough to tell about your power. Like, for me it's Nora, Leo, and my little brother."

"No. I never felt comfortable around anyone other than my family."

"Why're you just keeping her inside?" I asked, turning to her mom. "There's no way she can meet her key if you just keep her in here."

Mrs. Gopal glared at me. "Destiny would've brought her key to her, either way."

"This destiny crap is eating my brain." I walked outside to get a moment to myself.

Felix came out after me and swung his arm over my shoulder. "Hey, I know you hate Xavier. Honestly, I hate him, too. But at the same time, he's in the wrong and it's our job to fix it."

I looked up at Felix and waited for him to elaborate.

"He was brought up terribly. He was spoiled into thinking anything he does is right. I wasn't brought up like that, Sky. I was born poor. But, if I was a singer from the start, I would've probably been like Xavier. And, what would you do? You would need to change me for our destinies."

I sighed. "You're right. It's not his fault he's like that. Imagine if Nora was like that."

"That would've been a shitload of work to make her believe you have abilities."

I laughed. "Yeah."

"Hey," he said, nudging me. "Lighten up."

"I can't," I groaned. "I can't imagine how hard it's going to be to convince Xavier."

A mischievous smile played on Felix's lips, then he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Felix, this isn't the time for- Hahaha!" I burst into laughter. "S- stop! I'm going to pee!"

Felix was tickling me and I couldn't stop giggling.

"Okay, okay," he said, stopping. "At least you're in a better mood, now."

I wiped away a tear from the laughter and smacked Felix's arm. "That was unnecessary," I said, breathing heavily.

"You laughed."

"No duh, Sherlock."

"Let's go back inside," he said, walking me into the house.

"So, are you in, or not, Skyler?" Haruki grumbled. "I know you'll say yes."

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