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About 2 Years Later

College started sooner than expected and I was already 19 years old. A lot has changed since then. For one, I was a freshman in college, and it was April 12th, so we were almost done with the year. We graduated from high school months ago. The friend group was in different places now.

Priya, Kimberly, Jasmine, and I got an apartment where the four of us lived. We all went to UC Berkley. I started studying law and it was better than ever.

Xavier and Tanner also went to UC Berkley, but we didn't get to see them much because they have different classes and they dorm in the college itself.

Nora doesn't go to college and instead started acting as soon as we graduated. She stars in a Netflix Original called Hell's Secrets. If I have to be honest, I think I may like it better than Stranger Things, which is saying something because I love that show. Nora's acting career is rocketing and she's in multiple movies, too.

Leo also doesn't go to college. He's currently training to take over his dad's perfume company.

Haruki visits us once or twice a year. But, she's living her own life in Japan. She and Scott opened up a bakery, which sells a bunch of different sweets.

Felix, on the other hand, is busy these days. Like Nora and Leo, he doesn't go to college. He decided that he didn't need college for his music career. He was on a global tour, so I haven't seen him in more than two months.

Oh, and none of the members of the group are single anymore. Kimberly started dating Tanner in senior year of high school, and Jasmine started dating her boyfriend Carson as soon as we started college. Carson also goes to UC Berkley.

The whole friend group meets up once every day Saturday, Haruki coming in virtually on a video call.

Today, all of us (except for Haruki) are meeting up. Felix is coming back from his tour and I was really excited. You don't realize how much exactly you love your boyfriend until he's not by your side for two months.

Felix and I usually go on dates twice a week, so it was hard for him to be gone for so long. He's gotten even more good-looking over two years, which I didn't know was possible.

"Get up, you lazy ass," I said, hitting Kimberly with a pillow. "Felix is coming back today."

"Great, and?"

I hit her back and sighed. It was annoying only having two bedrooms in our apartment because it meant I had to share with Kim. She was super grumpy and lazy in the morning.

Jasmine and Priya were already up and taking showers.

I ignored Kimberly and made the four of us breakfast. Jasmine sat on the small table beside the kitchen as I slipped her a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks, Chef," she said, putting her phone away and eating.

"At least you're respectful," I grumbled.

"Is Kim not getting up again?"

I nodded, finishing up and going to take a shower. I finished up and put on some shorts and a thin hoodie. When I saw that Kim still wasn't up, I burst.

"You little- UGH!" I grabbed her ankles and dragged her off the bed, causing her to fall down.

"Ow-uh!" she exclaimed.

"Get up, and take a bath!"

"Okay, Mom."

"Did you forget that we're meeting up today?! Nora's coming to the airport, too!"

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