Chapter 30

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Felix's POV

I ran outside right after Sky did. She looked sick to the stomach and pale.

I saw her collapsed on the ground outside the doors. She was sweating, trembling, and breathing heavily.

What do I do?! I thought. She needed help, and she needed it fast. I wanted to run back inside and call for help, but that might make her worse with more people around.

I ran to her. "Sky?! Sky! What's wrong?"

She didn't answer, looking forward. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to make her feel better. She leaned on my shoulder, now breathing properly and calming down.

"Sky, please answer me. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

She turned to me, tucking her knees in. "Felix, that was my dad." She pulled away from me, standing up.

Wait, what? I wondered. "Who was your dad?" I stood up.

She closed her eyes and a few tears dropped out. "That referee. That was my dad, Felix."

"Isn't your dad Paul Lo- Oh!" I finally realized. Not her dad as in Paul Lopez. Her dad that left her at an orphanage. Her dad that left his wife to die. He traumatized her.

"Why is he here?!" she cried out. "He already left me, and he wants to ruin me even more! He probably still thinks I'm a monster."

"Sky, it's okay."

"It's not okay!" she burst. "You don't know, Felix! You don't! You don't know the reason he left me! The reason my mom died!"

I didn't want to ask her because I was scared that would make her even more upset. "Listen, I don't know. But, I do know that you're strong. You should stand up for yourself. You're so brave, okay? Confront him. It'll make you feel better, and lift the weights off your shoulders."

I wanted to make her feel better, one way or another. If there's anyone I love, it's her. I was getting impatient.

Skyler's POV

Words couldn't explain how much comfort Felix gave me.

I was literally having a panic attack before Felix wrapped his arms around me. I knew he was right. I knew I had to confront my dad. But, I'm not ready. Not now.

"I can't," I told Felix.


"He's- He's ruthless, Felix. Even if I do tell him, he'll probably just ignore me as he did nine years ago."

"Do you mind if I do ask you the reason he left you? Is that the major thing you didn't tell me?"

I glared at him. "I'm not going to tell you! What's your problem?! Why're you always asking me questions about myself?!"

He sighed, taking a deep breath. "Sky, I love you."

My heart skipped. "Yeah, you've told me before."

He shook his head, looking as if he'd been waiting for something for a long time. "That's not what I mean. Not the 'I care for you', I love you. I love you, as in I like you, and I want to date you, and-"

"You're lying," I muttered, taking a step back. "You're lying."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not. That's why my sister came to your house and everything. She thinks I'm obsessing over you. I don't know how to explain it, Sky. It's like from the first moment I saw you. It felt... right."

The next words just flew out of me. "I love you, too, Felix." My stomach stirred. This was it. He was my key. Now, I know it.

"Sky, are you okay-"

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