Chapter 42

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"So, how's it going?" I asked, holding up the phone to my ear. "Did you tell Kimberly, Jasmine, and Tanner, yet?"

Priya chuckled. "I think I'm going to tell them soon. I don't know why you took so long, but I think I might also tell Xavier how I feel right after I tell Kimberly, Jasmine, and Tanner about the powers and shit."

"That's nice," I muttered.

"Why do you sound so depressed," Priya said. "What's wrong?"

I sighed. "I thought everything was going well, but something came up while I was reading my mom's letter."

"Umm, what came up?"

"My mom told me that my power would turn into something 'beautiful' if I found my key. I want to find out what she meant, but now that the whole curse thing happened, my power's probably just going to go away."

"But, wouldn't that beautiful thing come by now? I mean, you have Felix. He's your key."

"I don't know, Priya," I mumbled. "Maybe it's different for me because you, Haruki, and I are born in the same year? I don't know."

"It's probably because we started the 'mission' together. And, the universe knows that we're getting ready to get rid of our powers forever."

"That might be true," I whispered. "Listen, what if we don't get rid of them?"

"Wait... what?"

"We all found our keys, right? So technically, we all can live because in general, your keys prevent you from dying."

"Okay? What're you implying?"

"I'm pretty sure the only reason we need to connect our jewelry is to break the curse once and for all. So, what I'm thinking is that we don't need to connect our jewelry and break the curse forever. But, we can stay alive with our keys and keep the powers. The different power. The beautiful one."

I heard Priya groan in confusion. "Listen, I don't really know what you mean, but I don't think it's anything good. Maybe you should talk to someone else."

I looked out my window. "Yeah, maybe I should."

I quickly ended the call and went over to Cody's room.

"Hey," he said, lying on his back and holding his I-Pad over his face. "Wassup?"

"No reason," I said.

"Ha," he laughed. "You don't come to me for no reason anymore, Sky. You come to me because I give better advice than anyone else."

I shook my head, laughing. "Not true, but okay."

"Yeah, Felix probably gives better advice than me."

I nodded. "Correct."

Cody scowled and sat up properly. "What'd you need advice about?"

I explained the discovery I made with my mom's letter.

"Oh," he said.

"Oh?" I asked. "That's it?"

"Wait, gimme a second to think." He rubbed his temples and looked down, thinking. "I don't know why you're suddenly thinking about this, Sky. Didn't you want your powers to go away?"

"I wanted them to go away because they hurt me, Cody. But, there's a chance that I can have powers that I can have them without them hurting me. They could benefit me. And others."

"Still don't think it's a good idea."

"C'mon, Cody."

Cody sighed. "Sky-uh. You came to me for advice, okay? Don't make me tell you what you want to hear. And, don't do anything stupid. Everyone's almost free from the curse."

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