Chapter 16

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"Who's that girl, though?" I heard Nora from the other end. "Is it the girl that all the students say they saw around the school? The one without the uniform? No one caught her and kicked her out. The teachers don't even believe us, and that's why the police weren't called."

"Yeah. That's the girl," I replied, putting the phone on speaker, so I wouldn't have to hold it near my ear. No one was home, not even the cook or Amanda.

"And, you couldn't hear her voice when you looked into her eyes?" Nora asked.

"Nora, I told you a hundred times. I couldn't hear her voice. Not a peep. And, she knew that I couldn't hear it. She's weird. What if she has powers, too? There's no other way she could've known."

"She can't have had powers, Sky," Nora defended. "Because, number one, we don't even know if there's another family line. Number two, even if there was, they can be anywhere. How do we know the family line is from California, USA?"

"We don't," I sighed. "But, this girl knows something, Nora. And, I'm not going to stop until I find out what it is."

"You do you, Dimples," Nora teased. "I can't get over that nickname. It's so cute!"

"You're so immature. Shut up," I snapped, ending the call. I heard the door open downstairs, and Cody's voice filled the house.

"Sky! Sky!" he called. "Come here!"

I ran downstairs, thinking Cody was in trouble. I mean, I don't know why he could've been in trouble, but it just sounded like that.

"We have a surprise for you, Sky," Paul told me as I started slowing down at the bottom of the steps.

"Not 'we'. You," Catrina sneered. "Have fun with it, Skyler."

Paul lead me outside, and I saw a red Mustang in the parking. "It's yours. Your belated birthday gift. Don't think your gift were a bunch of small albums and that was that. Here's our surprise for you."

"Paul!" I exclaimed. "But- I didn't even get my probationary license!"

"You have a learner's permit, so we'll be getting your probationary license soon. Tomorrow is your test for it. You can skip school. Okay? If you want, I can come with you right now, for a spin."

"It's too much. It's even a convertible," I told him. "I can't-"

"It wasn't too much, stupid," Catrina laughed, shaking her head. "It was only $50,000. Pretty cheap, if you ask me."

Paul looked at Catrina, annoyed. "That's not the point. The point is that we got Skyler a good sports car for her start of driving."

I looked at the car, pursing my lips. "But-"

"End of story," Paul said. "When you get your probationary license, you can start to go places by yourself."

"Wait... I can?!" I yelled. "That means, I don't need to go with anyone anymore! Not to school! Or, to hang out with my friends!"

Paul nodded. "Of course, Sky. That's the point."

I hugged Paul, happily. I can finally be alone. No Stephen. No Paul and his curiousty and suspicion. No Catrina. Happy life.

"I'm going to go study for the driving test tomorrow, okay, bye, Paul, thank you!" I rambled in excitement.

I had driving books stowed deep inside my desk. I never cared about them much, but I pulled them out as fast as possible, trying to remember everything I learned last year, from when I got my learning permit.

An hour into studying, I remembered something. I took out my French classwork, taking a picture of it and sending it to Felix.

*Thanks, Dimples. Can we talk about what happened today?* His reply came back.

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