Chapter 5

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Soon enough, my first week in school passed. Cody was doing well in school, and instantly had a lot of friends.

He went to a public school, so he was popular for being rich. He also told me that a girl already told him that she liked him.

On the other hand, it wasn't going as well for me.

I heard lots of secrets from others, and I almost knew the entire grade's secrets. To add to that, I was known as the 'rich but shy nerd'. What the heck is that nickname? Of all things.

There weren't lots of people in each grade. Maybe around fifty people in each grade. I feel like I'll know the entire school's secrets by the middle of the year.

Nora and Leo were constantly following me around, trying to get answers from me. They ship me with Xavier, but they think I like Felix, which I don't. They even ship me with Felix. Like, make up your mind! I'm sure Xavier doesn't like me. There's no way. I knew him for a week.

Jasmine was always pestering me about Kimberly. And, Kimberly wasn't in school, the entire week. That made me feel a little guilty.

Xavier was always trying to be near me. Then, you have Felix, who is the complete opposite of Xavier. It's like he needs to avoid me, no matter what.

And, geez was it hard to not look up when I'm around Felix. He's fine. Like, on a whole different scale of attractive. I mean, all the boys were, but it was odd about Felix. Seeing him on the screen for years made him hit differently.

But, just because I find someone attractive, it doesn't mean I like them. So, you shippers reading this can shut up. I don't like anyone, and I don't plan on it. I know I need to find love, by 18, but I have time. So, I'm good.

Felix doesn't even look at me, properly, and I honestly hated how annoying he can be. He's such a brat. He's so mean, but he can't say his insults to my face. Nerd, nerd, nerd, was all I heard from him.

I stretched in my bed, enjoying sleeping in. Gosh, I thought. Felix is suspicious. I'm into him. No! I'm onto him! Not into him! Onto him... Onto him...

"Breakfast!" Paul called from downstairs. "Pancakes, today!"

I ran downstairs, slipping on my thin sweater. It was starting to get chilly, and it was only the middle of October.

"So, Cody," I started, sitting down. "How's it going with that girl that proposed to you?"

He sighed. "I mean, she's cute and all, but I want to focus on my career. So, now, it's very hard to have a girlfriend."

I gasped. "Who are you, and what did you do to Cody Lopez?" I laughed, cutting my pancake and eating it.

"Wha 'bout chu?" Cody asked, his mouth stuffed with pancakes. "Doesn't Felix Griffin go to your school? The guy on Who's The Next Star? He's cool. I wish I could be friends with him."

"He's annoying," I scoffed. "He's so rude to me, but he can't look at me in the face and bully me."

"Maybe he liiiikes you," Cody laughed. "He likes you, a looooot."

"Or, he just is stating facts about Skyler, and doesn't want to look at her ugly face?" Catrina suggested.

In a way, this made a lot more sense.

"That doesn't make sense," Paul said as if he was reading my mind. "Skyler is a very pretty young girl, and I can picture her with Felix. They would look adorable together."

"He doesn't like me, and I don't like him, so why are we even talking about this?" I asked, annoyed.

"He's a handsome young man," Catrina sighed, completely ignoring me. "If only Paul looked like that in high school."

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