Chapter 19

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I sat next to Felix in chemistry, then leaned back in the chair. I looked at Xavier, who shot a brief smile at me, before looking at the board.

I instantly looked away. For some reason, it was awkward. Probably because Felix was examining me in confusion.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," I quickly replied.

"You look pale. Are you sick? Is there something wrong?" he questioned.

"I'm fine," I sternly said. "Leave me alone."

Felix pretty much stayed quiet until he had a question after the lesson. Xavier started talking to me right after I answered it.

"Hey. Did you think about the message I sent you?" he asked. "I don't want to put you under pressure, or anything."

I shook my head. "I'm okay. It's just kind of surprising. I'll tell you... soon. You know. Probably at the end of the week."

"Take your time," he told me, smiling.

When Xavier turned away, Felix looked at me. "What message did he send you?"

"Nothing," I replied.

"Why can't you tell meeee?" he whined.

I sighed, and instead of telling him, I threw my phone to him. I didn't want to tell him by myself. I watched as he looked at. He bit his lip and slid the phone back to me. Then, he turned his back towards me.

Mr. Walkman clearly still didn't care, so I wasn't afraid of taking out my phone in class.

"Umm. Hello?" I obviously called.

"Are you going to say yes?" Felix turned back, his head resting on the table.

I glanced at his green eyes, then smiled. His face was half squished because of the table.

Oh, God, he's so adorable, I thought. I closed my eyes in annoyance. He's not.

"I don't know if I'm going to say yes, yet."

"Don't. You barely know him. It's not right."

"Not true, man. I talk to him way more than I talk to you. He's way funnier than you. You're always sulky. Or sentimental. Or glad. Well, you're a unique mix of feelings," I laughed.

He turned around. "Don't say yes, Sky. Not now, at least."

I was confused at this point. "Okay? Is there a reason you're telling me this?" He sounded angry, worried, and upset at the same time.

"You deserve someone a lot better than that," he replied, sitting up and focusing on his paper.

I turned away to hide my huge smile. Those words made my day. 'You deserve someone a lot better than that'.

Xavier didn't hear our conversation because he was busy helping Tanner. I'm happy he didn't.

I never thought I would realize this, but Felix made my heart skip a beat.

The bell rang and I ran out in happiness. Someone's hand forcefully pulled me around, and I turned to see Kimberly, and her only loyal minion, Miranda. And, Jasmine was next to her, looking scared.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kimberly growled.

"Huh?" I was focusing on Jasmine, whom I knew was forced to be friends with Kimberly again.

"I don't know when you'll understand... but Felix... is mine. If you even try to get near him, you'll regret it."

"He's not yours to claim, Kimberly. He doesn't like you, anymore. Plus, I don't even like him."

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