Chapter 46

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Felix turned 17 a day before we connected the jewelry, also getting him his probationary license only hours before we had to leave to go to Haruki's house. He was super excited to drive me somewhere for the first time.

On the other hand, I wasn't doing so well. I haven't got enough time to think about my mom's words, but the more I did, the more I would convince myself that I shouldn't connect the jewelry and leave our powers how they are.

At the same time, my powers are going away because of the plan. But, if I mess up the plan, they'll come back, but they'll come back as different powers. As good powers.

Felix stopped caring about my mom's words because he believed that I would understand how free we would be once the curse was completely broken. I don't think he understood my thoughts right now.

If I messed with the plan, Haruki might be upset with me. But, what should I do? I'm scared that I'm making the wrong decision of letting them connect the jewelry.

"Are you ready?" Felix asked as Cody and I got into the car.

"To crash and die?" I joked. "Yeah, I guess."

"I'm not going to kill us," Felix said.

"... Sure."

"Oh, shut up and drive," Cody whined.

"You shut up and put your seat belt on," I snapped back. "You're lucky I decided to bring your ungrateful ass along."

Cody mocked me and crossed his arms.

Felix laughed and started driving. We put on the radio and listened to music the entire drive there. By the time we got there, it was exactly 6:00. Everyone else just started arriving, too. I guess all of us knew exactly how serious Haruki was about this.

Priya and Xavier came in a car together. Xavier looked at the house confused and scared.

Jasmine, Kimberly, and Tanner came together, and Leo and Nora came together.

Xavier looked tense, but when he saw Kimberly, Tanner, and Jasmine, he seemed to feel a bit better.

"So... where exactly are we?" Xavier asked Priya.

"Her house," Priya said, pointing at Haruki.

"You're here, too?!" Xavier asked. "I'm so confused!"

"Just come to the back, we'll explain."

Kimberly came over and started talking to Cody. She found him adorable.

All of us went to the small backyard behind Haruki's house. There was a brown, worn out pedestal there. Haruki's red and white ring was already there.

Hisaki came out of the house with some drinks. "I thought we were eating dinner inside before coming outside?"

Haruki pursed her lips. "We don't need to."

Hisaki rolled his eyes and motioned all of us in. "Ignore her. Come in, guys."

"Who's the tall dude with the hoodie?" Xavier whispered.

"I'll explain in a second!" Priya whisper-yelled.

Felix and I exchanged smirks. Priya and Xavier actually made a very cute couple.

Haruki's mom made a feast for all of us. There were exactly 13 seats there for all of us including Mrs. Onishi and Hisaki.

All of us dug in except for Xavier. He was still confused.


Explaining was messy because everyone had food in their mouths for half of the time. But, Xavier kinda understood by the end.

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