Chapter 25

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Today was the first day back from Winter Break. I didn't even look at anyone, scared that I would run into Felix. I felt like it was the first day of school in October when I didn't know anyone's dark secret.

Honestly, I was really mad at Haruki. She probably knew beforehand that Felix would come to my house for New Years. That's why she looked so suspicious when she said: "Have a great New Year."

When Catrina and Paul came back from their midnight drink, they found me sleeping in the living room. I basically cried myself to sleep. On the floor.

That was the worst New Year ever.

"Are you good?" Nora asked for the fifth time.

"Yeah," I whispered back. "I'm fine."

"Can you please tell me what's wrong, Sky?" she requested. "You look... not okay."

"I'm fine," I muttered again. I knew she didn't believe me, but at least she stopped asking questions.

I didn't talk to Felix once after the New Years incident in my living room.

Cody apparently knew exactly what was going on the entire time and was peering at us from the top floor.

And, Xavier... Well, let's just say that Xavier and I weren't going as good as Xavier thought we would. We didn't even talk to each other the last days of the break and he completely ignored me while we walked into school. But, I don't blame him.

I was early that day, so Felix wasn't in his seat yet. I was dreading the moment he would come in. I saw him walk into the room and buried my face in my book. He was talking to Mr. Walkman and he sat next to me with an annoyed look.

He didn't even glance at me, which was a good thing. Mr. Walkman started teaching the lesson and I took my notes without problems. I was kinda miserable.

But when Mr. Walkman handed out worksheets, I was scared that he would ask about the lesson. Surprisingly, he didn't. He just looked at his notes that he took and did it himself.

At this point, I was getting a little desperate for attention, but I didn't say anything.

At one point in the class, Felix went to the bathroom and Kimberly took that as an opportunity to come and annoy me.

"Hiya, bitch," she greeted.

I ignored her.

"She's talking to you, don't you know?" Miranda sneered.

I looked up at them, keeping a blank look on my face. "What?"

"Felix doesn't like you. He asked Mr. Walkman if he can switch seats and he said no."

"I don't care about him. Just shut up, and leave me alone."

"You like him," Kimberly snickered.

"Do I?" I mumbled. "I don't."

"Not buying it."

I smacked my hand on the table, gritting my teeth. "I. Don't. Do you think I would like someone while dating someone else?"

"You're dating someone?"

I looked at Xavier, annoyed. He was helping Tanner again, so he didn't notice us. "I guess, that person doesn't want anyone to know. Leave it."

"I'm not going to believe you're dating someone unless you tell me who it is."

I shook my head. "Just leave. I don't like Felix and you can have him all to yourself."

"That's what I wanted to hear," Kimberly beamed. "Alright, I'll leave you alone."

I rolled my eyes. It was annoying that Xavier didn't want to tell anyone about his girlfriend, AKA me. He probably thought I was weird, or something.

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