Chapter 32

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Skyler's POV

"Dear, why are you here?" I heard Catrina's voice from downstairs.

"I just need to talk to Skyler about something."

Felix?! I thought. I ran downstairs and saw him standing at the door. He smiled at me, then quickly turned to Catrina. Paul was standing there, looking a bit confused.

"Isn't Skyler dating Xavier Williams? It's a bit weird for you to talk to her at night..."

"We broke up, Catrina," I coldly said. "And, Felix is my boyfriend, now."

Catrina, Paul, and Felix, all seemed surprised by my statement.

"Wait, what?" Catrina pulled me aside into the living room, leaving Felix and Paul. "Are you kidding me? He broke up with you, and now you're getting false hope that a boy even more famous and good-looking likes you."

"Listen. Number one, I never liked Xavier. Number two, I broke up with Xavier. Number three, Felix and I really like each other."

"He's going to break up with you all over again," Catrina said. "It'll be embarrassing for us! I told you, that you can't do whatever you want. You are going to get a high-pay job, a nice husband, and competent kids, no matter what. Why? Because I said so."

I scoffed. "Ask him."

"Ask him, what?"

"Ask him if he'll break up with me."

She gasped, then sighed. "Okay." She walked back into the hall. "Felix, will you break up with Skyler?"

Felix shook his head. "No. Never. I'll stay with her until my very last breath."

I put my head down to hide my red face. He makes me so happy.

"Yeah, most likely a lie, considering you can't disappoint all of your fans."

"That's actually exactly why I wanted to talk to Sky. I want to talk to her about our relationship and the public."

Catrina pressed her temples. "Okay... go. But, you need to do it, so your fans don't target my company."

"Our company," Paul corrected.

Felix and I went up to my room. I sat on the bed and looked at him. "So, are we going to have to announce this to your fans?"

He was listening. Instead, he was looking around my room. "It looks like you have a fascination with men. Where's my poster?"

I laughed. "Hey, you know that I don't like any of them as much as I like you. I just like their music."

"So, you don't like my music?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.


He looked slightly offended.

I pursed my lips. "Oh, don't have that look. I was kidding." I pulled him down and rested my head on his shoulder. "I didn't listen to your music until I moved here. But, I ended up listening to all 70 of your songs and even getting one of your albums."

He looked at me. "Speaking of my album, I need to get mine out soon. My manager and I need to talk about the new release date and announce it."

"Don't you think you work too much?"

He shook his head. "Nah."

"Hmm," I started. "School, music every three or so months, fans, tours, basketball practice, homework-"

"Okay, okay," Felix laughed. "I get it."

"Anyways," I mumbled. "You should tell your fans. I know that it's hard because they love you and you love them, sooooo... Actually, should we just not date, and... just like... be there for each other."

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