Chapter 41

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I didn't expect things to escalate quickly, but Xavier apparently was talking to Priya every single day. Priya didn't meet anyone in California yet, but as of now, she was staying with Haruki.

The plan is that she meets Xavier outside of school, without him knowing. I wasn't big on the plan because I wasn't really involved, but I know everything is going alright.

I couldn't believe that my power might completely disappear. Gone. It was crazy.

"What are you thinking about?" Felix asked next to me.

The two of us were out on a picnic. Felix took me here because he loves the view of the sunset. It was so beautiful.

I ate a piece of pineapple before answering. "My ability is going to go away. I can't even tell you how excited I am."

"I would be kind of upset if I were you," Felix said. "But, you do you."

"Why would you be upset, though?"

"Because," he sighed. "It's the one thing that makes you so unique- it's the one thing that no one else can even dream of having. And, you have it. Aren't you proud?"

"I guess," I replied, shrugging. "But it hurts, babe. Seeing other people's pains. Hearing the darkest things about them... It's been happening for 17 years straight. I would understand if I could tell other people and I can share with them and help them. But, I can't. It's just a cold power that gives me no freedom."

Felix looked at me sympathetically, before holding my hand. "Listen, can I tell you something?"

I nodded. "Yeah. What?"

"I know this is going to sound super cringey, and super cheesy, and you don't like that stuff, but I just need to tell you... Sky, I literally love you... more than anything ever. You mean..." He put his hands out as if he was embracing the world. "Everything to me. You're the most precious thing in my life, and I would rather die than lose you."

Awwwwww, I thought. Hearing cringey words from your boyfriend wasn't even close to being as bad as I thought.

"I thought I was happy before you came into my life, but after you did... I realized that I didn't even know the definition of happy my entire life. Because you make me so happy and grateful. And- Wait... Sky, are you crying?"

"Huh?" I said. I wiped my face and was surprised to see that it was wet. I was silently crying the entire time he was talking, without even noticing.

"Aw," he said. "Don't do that, now I'm going to start crying."

"Ugh, I'm a mess," I said, both laughing and crying. "I probably look so ugly next to you. You're just there looking like a pretty boy, while I'm here with my red and wet face."

Felix wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"Do you even know how pretty you are?" he asked.

I giggled shamelessly and wrapped my arms around his waist. "You know like all the things that you said to me... right back at you."

"For real?"

"What, are you doubting me?" I inquired, sniffling. "God, I never thought I would have a conversation like this."

Felix laughed. "I never thought I would be having this conversation with you. Remember when I first met you?"

"Yeah," I snickered. "You were stupid, and I had to keep your hands in place, so you wouldn't start a fire in Mr. Walkman's class."

"Hey, don't put it like that."

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