Chapter 14

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I didn't know what to do. He might be an expert at getting secrets out of people, so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.

"How'd your date go?" Stephen asked, smiling.

I pretended like I didn't hear, ignoring him. My stomach was churning.

"Miss Lopez?"

To block out his voice, I put in my headphones.

"Skyler," he said, more obviously.

"Let me out, Stephen," I ordered. We were around the block, but I didn't want to spend one more second in that car. My throat was starting to get dry and I was having trouble breathing.

"But, I can't. Catrina told me not to. I'm not allowed to leave you."

I don't know why, but my eyes filled with tears. "Let me out!"


I looked outside seeing Felix on a walk. "I'll walk back with him! I promise I'll be safe! If anyone gets mad at you, you can blame it on me. Please, let me out."

Stephen unlocked the door, and I fell out, leaning on it.

"Are you okay?!" he asked, alarmed.

"I'm okay. Just go," I told him, getting up. I watched as the car drove away, taking a deep breath. Words couldn't explain how relieved I was to get out of that car.

I held my throat and sighed. I don't know why I got so scared. The last time I felt like that was when my dad left me.

"Sky?" a voice behind me called.

I turned around, seeing Felix. I wiped away my tears and waved at him. "Hi."

"Are you good?" he asked, looking at me. "You look like you were just crying."

"I'm fine," I replied. "I just didn't feel comfortable in that car."

"Did he do something to make you feel uncomfortable?" he questioned.

"Stop asking me things, and continue on your walk. I'm fine." I started walking away from him.

"You don't look fine." He caught up to me.

I groaned. "Stop acting like Xavier. He's usually the one to follow me after I tell him to stop," I told Felix, glaring at him.

"You sound like you hate Xavier. You don't, do you?"

I shook my head. "I wouldn't hate someone I just came from a date with."

"You were on a date with Xavier?"

I nodded. "We went to the ice cream shop on the other street. He asked me out this morning. On my birthday."

He stayed quiet for a moment, then started talking again. "Oh. Happy birthday." He sounded dead, unlike his concerned tone from before.


"I'll go now. Bye." He walked away from me, leaving me confused.

"Kay, then. Bye, Felix." I started walking towards my house.

"Wait for a second," I heard him from behind. "Do me a favor, and don't say my name. At all. I'm not going to say it twice. Bye. See you in school, Dimples."

I turned to him, annoyed, then saw him walking towards his house. "Oh yeah?!" I yelled at him. "You do me a favor! Stop calling me Dimples!" His cold tone made me angry.

He ignored me and walked into his house. I ran back to my house, confused, annoyed, mad, and frustrated.

"How'd your date go, Skyler?" Catrina asked me, the moment I step foot into the house.

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