Chapter 8

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"I told you, no!" I whisper-yelled at Nora. "I'm not doing that!"

"Just try!" Nora yelled back. "It's for the best!" She pulled me towards the boy who was talking to his friend.

I yanked my arm out of hers, running back to the table. Nora was trying to get me to talk to a boy. To see if they were 'the one'.

Leo and she have been quiet about it, occasionally asking me questions. For all I knew, they didn't tell anyone about it. I trust them a lot, and I just had that feeling that they were the right people.

I'm just happy I got to tell someone. It was so nice to tell someone about the secret I've kept for eight years. I think I might tell Cody. Not now, but at the right time. When he's older. He was also one of the people I wanted to tell, but I don't want him to get any ideas at his young age.

We were at lunch, eating in the huge lunchroom. The tables were like a restaurant's, and you looked rich if you just sat there.

Nora, Leo, Jasmine, and I were sitting together. Jasmine stopped listening to Kimberly and made friends with us. Her secret was that she wanted to get away from Kimberly, but she was scared.

Leo stopped sitting next to his friends because he wanted to be near Nora all the time. I can't deny that they're cute, but... like... no.

We started talking and laughing. Jasmine didn't know about my ability, and I wasn't going to tell her. I might tell her once I get to know her better. She might still be friends with Kimberly, secretly.

"Why're you guys forcing her to get a boyfriend?" Jasmine laughed. "Leave her if she doesn't want to."

Nora gave me a look. "She just looks lonely," she lied. "I feel like a partner would help her."

Suddenly, something was thrown at the back of my head, and a cold sensation hit my nape. I touched it, feeling the broken eggshell and the gross egg sliding down my back.

Turning around, I saw Kimberly, a smug look on her face. Without hesitating, I took the omelet on my plate, slapping her on the face with it.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" the entire room said. The angry tension between Kimberly and me grew when we started glaring at each other.

Kimberly's gang was running out of members, and it was now only her, Tanner, and another redhead, named Miranda.

Tanner wasn't even entertaining this. He, Xavier, and Felix were sitting down at their usual table, their heads down.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight!" the room was yelling. It was everyone, except for Nora, Leo, Jasmine, and Tanner's entire table.

The chefs behind the table nervously eyed us, as the omelet slid down the side of Kimberly's face.

Chaos broke out, and a random food fight started. I ran back to the table, hiding under it. Nora and Jasmine were doing the same, not wanting to get their clothes dirty.

The table was pushed over, revealing us under it. Leo instantly ran to protect Nora. Jasmine and I were in trouble.

A lemonade was poured on me, and Jasmine gasped, then glared at the person who poured it. I looked up, seeing Tanner.

It was freezing. I couldn't take it.

"You jerk!" I blurted out, standing up in front of him. I threw the pasta on my table at him and he gave me a dirty look. "Never pour any other liquid on me, or I'll kill your Barbie-loving ass!"

"Barbie?" Tanner said, questioningly.

The room went quiet, and I felt everyone's eyes on Tanner and me.

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