Chapter 12

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"That's not her fault!" I yelled at Catrina.

"Not her fault?! She was stealing! Who's fault would it be?!" Catrina countered. "We need to fire her. She almost stole the antique vase!"

"Catrina, just please... give her another chance. I swear, if she tries stealing again, I'll take the punishment for it."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Anything. Just please, don't fire her."

"You're so defensive," Catrina sighed. "Go to school."

I gave Amanda a dirty look before heading into the car with Paul. She looked down and nodded, hopefully, understanding.

Amanda tried to steal right in front of Catrina. Like, I know you're desperate, but be a bit stealthy. C'mon. She could've ended up getting fired before she told me the truth.

"Are you okay, Sky?" Paul asked, sitting in the front seat.

"Can we get a new chauffeur? Please? Stephen... He's weird. He keeps asking me personal questions. He can be a chauffeur for anyone. Just get him another job."

"He's just trying to get to know you. Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. Just get to know him and you'll be fine."

"But, Paul-"

"No buts, Skyler. You wanted Amanda to stay, even after she was stealing from us. Her reason to leave is worse than Stephen's. If you want Stephen gone, Amanda is gone, too. Okay?"

I groaned. "Fine. Don't get rid of Stephen. At least, he's not here, right now. But, he's driving Cody to school, isn't he?"

Paul nodded. "Yup."

"I feel bad for him. He needs to go through all of those stupid questions Stephen asks."

Paul sighed and the rest of the ride was quiet.

"Bye, Paul," I said, getting out of the car. I bent down and gave him a quick wave, then I started walking to school.

"Skyler!" a voice behind me called.

I turned around, seeing Felix running towards me. I was surprised. I expected Xavier, of all people. Even Nora, Leo, or Jasmine.

"Umm. Hi?"

"I need to tell you something," he told me. He took a deep breath, then stopped. "Are you good? What's that?" He pointed at my right knee, squinting.

I looked down, seeing he was looking at the scar on my knee. "Remember when I told you I was in the orphanage?"

He nodded. "Mhm. What about it?"

"I was in there for a week, and I got that scar because I kept on digging this nail I found into my skin." I looked at Felix, who was looking at me like I was crazy. I laughed. "Hey, it didn't hurt. You can't blame me. It was my way of taking out my frustration."

"Oh," was all he said.

I desperately wanted to change the subject. "But... why were you looking at my legs, you pervy bitch?"

Felix was taken aback. "Hey, it's not my fault."

I shook my head, laughing. "I don't blame you. It's an ugly scar. You would notice it."

"It's not ugly. It's just noticeable."

I walked away from him, not wanting to entertain the conversation more than it already was going on.

"Wait! I need to tell you something!" he called after me.

"Save it for later!" I called back.

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