Chapter 9

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Xavier took my arm, smiling. "What's up? Why do you look sad?"

"Nothing," I mumbled, pulling away. "What about you?"

"I'm fine. What happened the other day? With Kimberly? Did you get in trouble?"

"Nothing happened, Xavier. Catrina just got kinda mad at me. I have to take over their company, so I need to have a clean slate."

"Technically, it's your family's company. Anyways, what're you supposed to be?"

Today was Halloween. No one was wearing costumes, except for Nora, Xavier, and Leo. They were the goofballs of the grade.

Everyone took today as a day where you don't need to wear your uniform, and I took advantage of it. I was in a thick Marvel hoodie, with a huge hood.

"Umm," I started. "A Marvel fangirl? I don't know. I don't wanna wear a costume like you did."

"Then, you're my fangirl," he cheered. He was wearing a Doctor Strange outfit.

"Sure, Xavier," I laughed, shaking my head.

We walked into school, not talking anymore. Xavier went to talk to Felix. As I opened my locker, I felt someone looking at me, and I turned around.

It was Felix. He looked away as soon as I looked at him. Seeing his outfit, I smiled. He was wearing a shirt that had the name of his latest album. Talk about self-promotion. He was dressed as himself for Halloween.

He and Xavier looked adorable. I mean, all the boys did. The main four. Felix, Xavier, Leo, and Tanner. But, if Nora heard me say Leo is cute, she would probably kill me.

"What're you supposed to be?" Nora snickered, leaning next to my locker.

"A girl," I answered. "What are you? A snobby bitch?"

She scowled. "Rude. I'm your best friend. Which is why you shared your secret with me. C'mon. Try to be nicer."

"I told you because you gave me the feeling that you're the right person. Okay? Not because you're my best friend."

She changed the subject. "So, any luck finding 'the one'?"

I shook my head. "What if I never meet 'the one'? What if I never end up meeting him?"

"That's not fair," Nora whined. "You need to meet 'the one'. Your mom met 'the one'. She said she ignored 'the one'. Just don't ignore it. Okay?"

"The one, the one, the one, the one, the one. That's all you care about." I walked into the lab, sighing. "This is just fun for you. You're just listening to be me because it's interesting and you want to be a part of it."

Nora ran after me. "No, no! I care! I'm sorry, Skyler."

"Apology accepted," I mumbled. I'm not the type of person to hold a grudge and get mad at someone for no reason. That's what babies do. I walked to my seat, sitting down next to Felix.

"Nice shirt, jerk," I snickered. "You're still full of yourself."

"I'm not two years old, nerd," he sneered. "I can wear what I want. And, I had nothing else to wear. At least, I'm not a cringy Marvel fangirl."

"Uh-huh," I giggled. "Tell that to Xavier. He looks like he came out of Avengers: Infinity War. Doctor Strange, come through."

"You like him," Felix plainly said. "It's obvious."

I scoffed. "Do I look like I like him? I genuinely don't."

"Sure," Felix sighed, taking out his phone. "You like him a lot, and that's why Kimberly hates you. I'm pretty sure he likes you, too. Just date, already."

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