Chapter 10

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Nothing. I couldn't hear anything. This is the first time I looked into his eyes, right? Why can't I hear anything?

Felix instantly looked down. "So, you're the new neighbors. What's up?"

"Not your face," I snapped, annoyed. I was getting so frustrated with him. He made me so confused.

He hesitantly looked up. I noticed he still avoided my eyes. "Umm. Happy Halloween?"

"Cookies!" Cody exclaimed. He handed the box to Felix.

"Oh," Felix said, smiling. "Thanks." He was still avoiding my eyes. So, he's not like me. He doesn't need to avoid me if he already saw my eyes.

"Are you going trick or treating later?" Cody asked Felix.

He shook his head. "The only houses in this place is mine and yours. There's no point. And, I'm writing my next album, right now. I won't have time."

"Show off," I muttered, looking to the side.

"I heard that," Felix laughed.

"Felix, honey! I need your help quickly. You can go back to writing, later," a female voice called from inside his house.

"I gotta go." He gave Cody another smile and closed the door.

Cody and I started walking back to the house, and I was staring into the distance the entire time.

This makes no sense, I thought. Why didn't I hear it? The only person whose secret I haven't heard is Cody. But, that was because he didn't have one. There's no way Felix doesn't have a secret. He's so mysterious.

"SKY!" Cody screamed.

"Huh?!" I jumped in surprise, then looked at Cody, who was giving me an annoyed look.

"I called you ten times."

"Oh... sorry. I didn't hear."

He gave me a sly smile. "You were thinking about him, right?"


He scoffed. "Stop acting like you don't know. You were thinking about Felix. It's soooo obvious. Just tell him you like him."

"I don't like him, Cody." I glared at him, sternly. "Drop it."

"I'm not going to drop it, because you like him. You're just not admitting to it. Be true to yourself, Sky. Just tell him how you feel. It's not a big deal. It's not like he's going to reject you. He probably likes you too-"

"Cody August Lopez!" I yelled. "When I say drop it... I mean drop it. Okay?! You don't know what I'm feeling, and you never will! Stay in your limits!" I walked away from him, storming into the house. I don't know why, but my blood was boiling.

Felix made me want to kill myself. I don't even know him that well, but I want to. And my brother thinks I like him. Which I don't. It makes me mad that he's assuming my feelings.

I slammed the door, walking to my room, and ignoring Paul's yells.

Catrina burst into the room. "I thought I told you, you can't have any free time. Why'd you watch the movie with Cody?"

"I'm sorry. It doesn't matter. I need to take him out for trick or treating, later."

"You don't need to take him. Paul will take him. He's going to that girl's neighborhood for trick or treating. There are two houses here, what should we do?"

"What girl's neighborhood?"

"That girl who confessed to him."

My eyes widened. "Ohhh."

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