Chapter 13

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"Cody, put that back. Oliver's going to yell at us," I told him, taking the sanitary pads out of his hand. I put the small box back on the table and lead Cody away from that area.

We were in the store, picking out birthday gifts for me. I'm about to be seventeen and all. December 1st. I liked that day. It's like the beginning of the end. The beginning of the last month of the year. I have weird thoughts, but they make sense to me.

I picked out a few albums from my favorite artists and was done there. I wanted to get out of there. I was getting lots of stares, which I didn't want. I put my hood up and looked down, avoiding all of the staring eyes.

It was probably was because of the fact that Catrina had sent a bodyguard with us. Stephen was outside, waiting for us in the car, as Oliver, the bodyguard, was protecting us from a nonexistent kidnapper.

Oliver even had on the black suit and the earpiece. A legit bodyguard. I never thought I would have a life like this nine years ago.

I'm pretty sure Oliver was only there for Cody. Catrina couldn't give a damn about me, even is she tried to.

"Are we ready to go, Miss Lopez?" Oliver asked me.

I shook my head, looking at the Taylor Swift albums on the wall. "Gimme one second. I still want to get another album."

"That's your sixth album, Sky!" Cody complained. "Don't you have anything else to do?"

I scoffed. "No."

"Liar," he scowled. "Can I get something, too?"

I shrugged. "Catrina won't mind. I'll come with you." I picked up the album and carried all six of them in my hands.

"Do you need me to carry them?" Oliver questioned, looking at me struggling.

"I'm okay," I squeaked in pain, trying to not look at him. I followed Cody, who was running to the back of the store, where the toys were.

By the time I got there, he was already looking at the toys there. I dropped the albums next to the place Cody was standing because I was tired.

"Hey!" a voice behind me said.

I turned around to see Nora and Xavier. They looked good, as usual. I smiled at them. "Hi."

"Oh! It's your birthday!" Nora exclaimed. "I forgot!" She groaned, then came up to me and gave me a small hug.

"Happy birthday, Skyler!" Xavier cheered, smiling.

I smiled at him and turned to Cody, who was still examining the choices. "C'mon, Cody. Hurry up."

"I can't choose between these two."

"Just get both of them," I told him. "It doesn't matter."

Cody stopped talking and I turned around to look at him. He was staring at Nora. I smacked the back of his head.

"Stop staring."

"She's so pretty!" Cody said as if you couldn't blame him.

Nora laughed at this. "We're here to pick up presents, too. Our aunt's baby shower is in a week."

"Congrats to her," I giggled. "Have fun. See ya at school tomorrow."

I picked all of the albums and walked with Oliver and Cody to the checkout. I finally had a bag to carry the albums in, and I walked outside.

"Skyler!" Xavier called from behind me. "Wait a sec!"

I turned around and waited for him to run towards me. "What's up?"

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