Chapter 1

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"You, cow!" I heard Catrina's voice. "If your lazy ass isn't down here in five minutes, I'll come up there, and slap you awake!"

"I'm coming!" I groaned, sitting up. I stretched my arms out, then smacked my aching head with the back of my hand.

"You better get down here!" Catrina fumed.

"I need to wash up!" I protested. "Give me a minute!" I got out of bed, taking a quick shower.

As much as I hated Catrina's ranting, I was happy. Today, I'm going to leave all of the horror secrets in Arizona, and move to California, and a whole different school.

I looked around the empty room. I've been sleeping on the floor for a week since we needed to take the furniture to the new house.

"Sky!" Cody called, bursting into my room. "What're you wearing? I thought we were going to match clothes, today!" He pouted, then crossed his arms.

"Sorry, brotato chip," I laughed. "I'll change." Going back into the bathroom, I wore I yellow hoodie and black leggings.

When I came out of the bathroom, Cody's face lit up, and he jumped up and down in excitement.

He was the only person I wanted to live for. Even though he was the true child of Catrina and Paul, and I was adopted, he always loved me, unlike his mom. He was born only months after I was adopted. I mean he was kinda the true child. There was something about him, that he doesn't know.

I never really considered Paul and Catrina my parents. Catrina wanted me around as an excuse, and Paul makes me feel like I was a guest. So, I called them by their first names.

"You're sad, aren't you?" I sighed, looking down at Cody. "Are you sad, moving away from your friends?"

He slumped his shoulders. "Yeah. You are too, right? You must have a lot of friends. My friend told me, that if you're pretty, you have lots of friends."

I giggled, but then pursed my lips. "Yeah, I'll miss them."

The truth is, I have no friends. I don't have the guts to look into anyone's eyes. If I can't even look into someone's eyes, how am I supposed to have friends? Especially, if their secret is so dark, that I can't go a day without thinking I was friends with someone with a secret like that.

When I first met Cody, he was a baby, so he had no dark secrets. Oh, how wonderful it was. To look into his eyes without worry that his voice would pop into my head and tell me something horrible about him.

If I look into someone's eyes once, I can look again, without the worry of hearing any secrets. The only person who've eyes I looked into, without hearing their dark secret, is Cody.

"Are you ready?!" Cody exclaimed. "Let's go!" He grabbed my hand, pulling me down the steps.

As soon as I saw Catrina, I saw her eye me rudely and coldly. And then, there was Paul, who always sensed the bitterness between us.

"Ready?" Paul smiled. "Let's get going. We need to clear out, soon. Sky and Cody. Let's put your bags in the trunk."

"We're riding in Ryan's car. He's waiting outside," Catrina told us. "So, Skyler is going to sit in the back, with the bags. End of discussion."

Paul looked confused. "Honey, that's not fair-"

"End. Of. Discussion," Catrina said, gritting her teeth. "Okay? Let's go."

"Okay!" Cody chimed.

We quickly put our personal belongings in the car, then started. As usual, our personal chauffeur, Ryan, drove us to the airport.

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