Chapter 3

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I walked into the huge school, keeping my head down. People were bumping into me, not caring about it. I looked at everyone around me, without making eye-contact.

I thought I was tall, at 5' 5", but the girls around me were taller, with smaller skirts than me. Though I had no glasses, I probably looked like a nerd to them, seeing that their faces were filled with make-up. They were all curvy, unlike me, who was skinny enough. I can tell everyone was rich, and I even recognized some of them.

The boys, on the other hand, looked even better. Almost all of them were attractive, with fit bodies, that were perfect for their age. They were also tall.

I felt like a loner, but that's okay since I was always alone.

I took my schedule out of my tote bag, which had my locker number on it. I had to be in my class by 8:00, and it was 7:49, right now.

I walked through the wide hallways, which had a bunch of mean-looking girls leaning against it and looking at themselves in their mirrors, applying make-up. Every time someone looked at me, I looked away.

My locker number was 836, and the hallway I was in right now, was in the 200s. I didn't know what to do, so I walked to the one girl, who looked approachable. Of course, my head down.

"Hi," I muttered. "I'm new here. Can you help me find locker 836?"

"Sure," she replied. "I'm going that way, for my first class." She started walking and I walked next to her. She was shooting questions at me, the entire time. "Why'd you transfer, now? It's October."

"My parents got a new company building," I answered.

"Oh," she said. "What company?"

"PCL Cosmetics," I replied.

Her face lit up. "PCL Cosmetics? That's like, the only make-up I use. Oh my god! That's so cool! I'm such a big fan of Paul and Catrina Lopez! You're their daughter?!"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She scratched the back of her head. "But, I thought they had one boy."

"I'm adopted," I sighed, examining the color of the floor. "They never really talked about me. No one knows I exist. Please, don't tell anyone, I'm adopted. I don't want anyone to know. Especially, on the first day. I don't want anyone thinking I'm useless."

"Sad life. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," she muttered. "By the way, I'm Nora Williams."

"Nora Williams?! As in, the daughter of Jack Williams?!" I exclaimed. I looked up at her. Well, that was a mistake.

I'm secretly dating Leo Jenkins, but we didn't tell anyone, because we're scared of Kimberly Smith, her voice said in my mind.

I ignored the voice because I can finally look and listen to what she was saying. The thought lingered in my head. Why was she scared of telling people she's dating because of a person, named Kimberly?

"Yeah," she replied. "I'm the daughter of Jack Williams. The famous actor. Who doesn't even acknowledge I exist."

I was looking at her face, properly. She was really pretty, with big blue eyes and silky black hair. "Oh," I mumbled. "Do you have a... complicated relationship?"

"Kinda," she responded. "My parents are divorced if you forgot. He hates me."

"Oh. I forgot he divorced and remarried," I said. "That's kinda how my real dad was. But, worse."

"Oh?" Nora looked at me closer. "Was he like my dad? Cold and hateful?"

"Well," I started. "He was-" I stopped talking. I don't even know why I'm talking. I don't know who this girl is, and she can be a bully for all I know. "This is my locker, thanks." I ignored her and looked at the combination, on my schedule.

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