Chapter 38

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Skyler's POV

Nora and I watched pranks on Youtube while waiting for our food to come. Kimberly was also on her phone and Jasmine sat on the edge of the bed that Nora and I shared, looking at the map of Disney World.

"Let's watch at this one," Nora said. She clicked on the one titled 'Telling My Girlfriend That I Kissed Another Girl Before Her'.

"Ooh, she must've got so mad," I said, laughing. We were six minutes into the video and at one point the guy's girlfriend yelled: "You told me you've never kissed another girl before me!"

A thought exploded into my head. I remembered Felix clearly saying "I've never kissed Kimberly." Then, what was Kimberly talking about?

I didn't really care when Kimberly first told me that, but I know clearly that Felix told me he never kissed her.

"Let's..." I started. "Let's stop watching this." I took a swig of water and leaned back on the bed.

"Is there something wrong?" Nora asked, examining my face.

"Felix told me he never kissed Kimberly... but yesterday Kimberly told me that she kissed him before."

Nora scoffed. "You're seriously going to believe Kimberly over Felix? The boy that's head over heels for you? Doesn't make sense to me."

"I mean... yeah, it's kinda stupid, but I just have this nagging feeling."

"Then, text him. He'll clear your doubts. Seriously though, Sky. If you expect us to trust you, we should always expect you to trust us."

I sighed. "You're 100 percent right... But, I'll text him anyway." I quickly opened my phone and talked to him.

I knew I had to believe him. I wanted to see him. I kinda missed him, even though I saw him just this morning. I told him to come to our room after he got his food, and he said yes.

"Who're you texting?" Kimberly asked with her snobby voice.

"Felix," I plainly said back.

Suddenly, she snatched the phone from me. "Lemme read!"

"Kimberly!" I yelled, trying to grab it back. She was taller than me by a lot, so it was pretty hard to reach for it.

"C'mon, Kimberly," I heard Jasmine's quiet voice say. "Just give it back to her. It's her phone and you should respect her privacy."

Kimberly dropped the phone and her eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

I picked up my phone and put it in my bag. Then, I looked at Kimberly, who was glaring at Jasmine.

"Umm... Guys?" Nora said, trying to break the awkward tension.

I saw Jasmine flinch and look down. I was so done. "Can you leave her alone, Kimberly?!" I yelled.

Kimberly jumped in surprise, then made a grossed out face at me. "What?!"

"You made her do things for your comfort! You're putting her down for yourself! Do you not feel bad for her?!"

"Shut up!" she exclaimed. "Jasmine is fine with doing these things!"

"Did you ever actually think for her! You made her sleep on the floor because you decided that you need a whole ass bed, just for yourself!"

"I have that right, bitch!" she screamed back.

"Why can't you let us live in peace?!" Jasmine belted out. Her face was streaked with tears, and she balled her fists in anger. "I hate you, Kimberly!"

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