Chapter 33

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I wanted to enjoy the weekend as much as possible because I was scared to go to school on Monday.

Felix, Nora, Leo, Haruki, Scott, and I went bowling Saturday evening. We had to get a private room to avoid people that recognized Felix.

The weekend was also pretty annoying. People kept reaching out to me and trying to interview me, but I said no to all of them. Felix even had to make a statement, telling people to respect my privacy. He's such a good boyfriend.

We also had a lot of homework. I finished everything in the morning on Saturday while Felix and Leo were at basketball practice because Felix and I were going to watch a movie at his house on Sunday.

We decided to watch The Kissing Booth on Netflix and even ended up watching The Kissing Booth 2, after it. We skipped through most of it because Felix knew how much I hated kiss scenes.

Felix's parents even told me to stay for dinner, which I did. His parents were really sweet and were constantly complimenting me.

"I'm happy that Felix is dating a girl like you. You're smart, gorgeous, talented, and you're competent, unlike most of the girls in your grade," Mrs. Griffin laughed.

"That's true," Felix agreed. "Most of the girls in our grade aren't competent."

"Thanks, Mrs. Griffin," I said. "The food was really good. I think I'll go now."

"Aw, already?" Felix sighed.

"But, I've been here for almost five hours," I giggled. "I need to take a walk after all the food. You should come if you want."

Felix nodded, and the two of us went outside.

"Your family is so much fun. Especially when Catrina isn't there to ruin it all the time."

Felix laughed. "Your family is fun, too. I mean, not really your mom, but Paul and Cody are the lives of the party."

"She's not my mom," I mumbled.

"She actually is, but it's whatever you think because you're the one that was adopted."

"The past week's been crazy," I confessed. "I turned off notifications for Instagram, and Twitter because my phone is blowing up. Like, I'm verified. That's insane! And, I randomly gained two million followers on Insta."

"You're adorable," Felix chirped.

"You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Griffin," I said, nudging his shoulder.

"Thanks, Dimples."

"God, you're not coming back to that nickname, are you?" I whined.

"I think I will," Felix said, looking to the side. "It's cute. It reminds me of your bright smile."

I scoffed, shaking my head. I checked my phone and looked at my Snapchat. My username wasn't my real name, so I didn't need to worry about people finding me on Snapchat.

Some boy named Bob added me and was talking a lot.

"Who is this?" I wondered out loud. "They're talking like they knew me forever." I showed my phone to Felix.

"Lemme talk to this guy."


He took my phone and started texting the guy. "Bob is making some really nice conversation." He was quiet for a few moments and was only focused on typing.

I didn't really care about what he was saying because I know he's smart enough to not say anything stupid. I saw his face darken, and he gave the phone back to me.

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