Chapter 37

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"You remember the plan, don't you?" I asked everyone. I saw Xavier start to walk towards us and all of us turned around.

"Why me?" Xavier whined when he got to us.

"'Cause, you're my best bud," Felix forcefully said.

I held his hand and smiled at him.

All of us went outside, as Mr. Walkman went back into the hotel with the chaperones

"They'll be waiting for us in the first place we can find to eat. Right outside the hotel, they said," Nora said, looking at her phone.

"Who?" Xavier asked.

"Two girls we met yesterday while walking around," I lied. I saw Haruki and Priya standing at a little bit in front of us, both eating cotton candy.

At first, Xavier looking a little awkward because he didn't know either of them. But when he got a closer look at them, I saw him wear a mischievous look.

"Try to play with them and I'll rip your face off," I whispered, glaring at him.

He took a step away from me and rolled his eyes. I saw Priya's eyes widen when she saw Xavier walk towards her.

"Where do you guys want to go first?" Felix asked everyone.

"Isn't there a water park here?" Xavier said, looking at Priya. He noticed that she was fully covered when her gloves on and everything.

I nodded. "I mean, yeah. We can go there, but I think it's best if we keep that for the last day because that'll be the most fun. Plus, we left all of our swimsuits in the hotel room."

"True," Leo sighed. "Let's go on some rides, then." He took out the map and the seven of us looked at it.

"The Expedition Everest!" Haruki chirped.

"No, that's scary!" Priya whined.

"Exactly," I muttered to her.

"Ohhh," she said realizing.

All of us used the map to walk to the rollercoaster, then we stood in front of it.

"Priya," I said, pulling her aside. "You trust me, don't you?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"Take off your gloves on the ride," I said. "That's the only way you'll know if Xavier's really your key. If you touch him."

"What if I see something?" she worriedly asked.

I pursed my lips. "Then... Then, you'll know that he isn't your key."

"This sucks," Priya said, pouting.

"I know, but it's for the best."

"I mean, I've never been on a rollercoaster, but..." She looked up at it. "It looks... really, really scary. I'm pretty sure I'll end up touching him." She handed me her gloves and walked back. I saw her put her hands in pockets.

"Are you coming on the ride?" Felix asked me.

I shook my head. "I hate rollercoasters. No way. When I was little, my mom took me here. We got on a rollercoaster and I heard a secret from someone on the ground."

"Okay, but you won't hear anything, now that I'm here," he said, putting his fists on his hips like he was a hero.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Still, no. I'm not cut out to go on stuff like that. Unless you want me to throw up all over you."

Felix shrugged. "Suit yourself. It'll be fun."

I watched as all of them went up the line. I didn't see them anywhere, so I just took all of their stuff and sat down, looking at my phone. It was easier this way. I can just keep my head down.

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