Chapter 35

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I woke up the next morning, my back aching. I heard multiple cracks when I stretched. I was the first one up. The rest were sleeping like babies.

I checked the time. It was 6:00 in the morning. Explains why it was so dark outside. Kimberly still wasn't up, but she slept at 5:00 in the evening yesterday. Nora went to sleep at 8:00, and Jasmine and I went to sleep at about 9:30.

I instantly took a bath. I didn't want to hassle later because everyone wants to use the bathroom at the same time. The warm water definitely made me feel better.

When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Nora shuffling around in bed. Perfect time to remind her of the plan.

"Get up, sleeping beauty," I said, tapping her forehead. "Today is important if you remember."

"Oh, yeah," Nora said, stretching.

"Hey," I said. "What do you think of my outfit?" I looked at myself in the mirror, turning around. I was wearing a striped crop top, denim black shorts, and yellow converse. I got all of them for Christmas from Paul.

"Since when do you care about fashion?" Nora mumbled, pushing her black hair out of her eyes.

I threw a pillow at her. "Shut up, and just tell me if I look like a weirdo, or not."

"You look great, Sky. You always have," she grumbled, flopping back onto the bed. "This is because you want to impress Felix, isn't it?"

I scoffed. "Umm. No. Get up you lazy ass."

"Sure," she muttered. I watched as she flailed her arms and accidentally fell out of bed.

I laughed at her. "Stupid."

Felix's POV

I was already up by 7:00 in the morning. Leo was literally sprawled across the bed the entire night, and I was trying to get him off me most of the time.

After texting my mom, making myself a cup of coffee, and taking a bath, I saw that Tanner, Xavier, and Leo were up, too. But, Tanner and Xavier weren't getting ready but instead looking at their phones. Leo was starting to get out of bed.

"Get up and get ready," I told them.

"We have two hours before we leave, Felix. Chill, bro," Tanner told me.

"You guys are going to fight for the bathroom later. Just get it over with."

"Ten minutes," Xavier whined.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Why do you like her so much?" Tanner asked, looking at me.

"Who, Skyler?" I questioned. "'Cause, she's not bratty, she acts like a normal human being, and she' such a good person."

"Yeah, but she's a little flat don't you think?" Xavier said, shrugging.

"What the hell did you just say?" I growled.

"Felix, stop it," Leo said, becoming alert.

"What? I'm just telling the truth, bro. She has no body compared to Kimberly or Jasmine."

Before I ran to Xavier and tackled him, Leo grabbed me from behind and pulled me back with all of his strength.

"Calm down, Felix!" Tanner yelled. "He was just joking!"

I pushed Leo's arms off me and raged on Xavier and Tanner. "Why do you guys think making comments about women is okay?! They're humans! They have feelings! This is why society hates men so much! Because of people like you guys! You always comment about their appearance and you don't care about how they feel! You don't even care if they deserve that abuse! Sky is a good person! She doesn't need idiots like you guys commenting about her body! Just stop! And, you call it a 'joke'. People have destructed themselves because they're so insecure!"

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