Chapter 23

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Studying was honestly stupid, considering it was New Year's Eve, today. I wanted to watch the ball drop, but I'm scared about what Catrina will say.

Catrina and Paul are hosting a party at their company building in an hour.

Only an hour into studying, I got interrupted. Cody burst into my room. I didn't expect that because he was supposed to be back tomorrow. What surprised me even more, was that he was bawling his eyes out.

"Cody!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong?!"

He ran to me and hugged me. I saw Catrina come up to my room, but Paul stopped her and pulled her away, shutting my door.

"Sky, did you know?!" Cody cried. "You would've known!"

"Known what?!" I yelled.

Cody's POV

Amanda let me inside the house, surprised.

"Uncle Wilmer dropped me off early because my cousin got sick. I wanna surprise Sky, Dad, and Mom, to see their reaction!" I explained.

"Oh, I see!" Amanda laughed. "Just so you know, your sister isn't in that good of a mood. She's having boy problems."

I gasped. "Oh? Really? Felix, right?"

Amanda nodded, giggling. "You got it."

"Alright, then I'll just surprise Mom and Dad."

Amanda nodded and motioned me to their office.

I stood outside the door in hopes of bursting in and surprising them. But, they were talking about something that made me stop there and listen.

"Don't you think you're being too hard on Sky? She's a teenager, Catrina. She's living her last years of high school. Let her be," I heard Dad say.

"If she's going to take over the company she needs to be smart!" Mom snapped back.

"Why can't we just have Cody take over the company?! He's always expressed interest in it! You just don't believe in him, and that's causing him to lose confidence in himself!"

"We talked about this, Paul!" Mom exclaimed. "Cody is not smart enough!"

I shrugged to myself. True.

"He can learn to be smart enough, Catrina," Dad fired back. "The reason he's not smart enough is that you don't give a reason for him to be!"

"Well, even if he was smart enough, I still wouldn't let him!"


"Other than the fact that Skyler is smart, she's also not our real kid! It makes me feel guilty, okay?! He's my real son, and not yours! It's not fair that you don't get as much input for our heir as I do! That's why I pamper Cody so much! Because I feel guilty and I feel like I have to take full responsibility for him!"

"Catrina, it wasn't your fault-"

"It is my fault! I wasn't myself, and I cheated on you! Cody isn't even your son, and we need to tell him this, one day or another!"

At this point, I couldn't take it. My eyes were basically waterfalls, as I burst into the office room. Mom and my fake dad looked surprised.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I screamed.

"Cody, dear!" Mom yelled.

I ran upstairs and into Sky's room.

Skyler's POV

"Oh, Cody," I started. "I did know. I knew when I was adopted. That's why I hate Catrina so much. That was her darkest secret."

"Does she know that you know?" he sniffed.

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