Chapter 20

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"WHERE THE HELL IS THAT STUPID BITCH?!" I heard a female voice scream from downstairs. "SKYLER LOPEZ, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! COME DOWN HERE!"

I ran downstairs, seeing Haruki at the entrance. Catrina and Paul were in the corner, looking afraid.

"Haruki!" I exclaimed. I grabbed her arm and pushed her upstairs. Then, I turned to Paul and Catrina. "Sorry, I forgot to do a project with her."

Catrina gasped. "Then, you deserve to die! Keep your grades up, or I'll take away your phone!"

I rolled my eyes, running upstairs. Haruki was standing in my room with a fierce glare, which made me think she was going to run at me with a knife and stab me multiple times.

"You're out of your damn... MIND!" Haruki yelled. "I swear, I want to kill you, but that would kill me, too."

"What?!" I whined.

"You're so- Why'd you- UGH!" She was getting louder each time. "Why the heck would you say yes to Xavier?! You know he's not your key! Skyler, you need to start admitting your feelings for Felix. I know you love him!"

"Hisaki told me that you can't know someone's feelings," I defended. "Felix isn't the key."

"Yeah, and Xavier isn't either!" she whisper-yelled. "I don't know someone's feelings, but I can see it in your eyes, Skyler. You're doing this out of anger because you love Felix, and you want to get your mind off him. You're angry because of those lies you heard him say to Kimberly. You're angry because you don't want to love Felix, but you do."

"Haruki, they weren't lies!" I countered. "He was telling the truth about him not caring for me-"

"Yeah, sure. I don't give a shit... about what you think, but I'm telling you the truth. That boy cares for you. He cares so much for you. But, he doesn't want Kimberly to know how much he cares because he's scared she'll do something bad to you."

"Yeah, I believe you," I sarcastically sneered.

"You even kissed him in front of Felix!" Haruki groaned. "Felix's face looked so shocked and surprised and upset! He looked like the saddest and jealous person ever. I don't know his feelings towards you, Skyler, but if you realize how much you love him, you'll realize that he's your key. Your key loves you, too. He loves you, Skyler. You didn't even want to kiss Xavier! You hate kisses! I know how much you skip your romantic shows, and how you always walk away when your parents are making out. You're going against yourself because you want Felix to suffer. But, you're making yourself suffer more than anyone. To the price of almost a hundred people."

"Get out!" I suddenly yelled. "Stop telling me this!"

She sighed. "Skyler... I see if this is how you're going to act." She walked up to my dresser and opened a drawer, then took out my mother's letter and her necklace.

"Hey! What're you-"

"Bitch, I don't know if you can read, but it clearly says here. 'I ignored the person I like and went with the person that liked me.' Your mom died because she went with your dad. Your dad wasn't the one because your mom didn't like him. This is the same with Xavier. You don't like him, and that'll become clear to him. He'll end up acting just like your dad. But, we don't have that time. I don't know if you realize, but all of us will die if you don't get yourself together. And, this!" She held up the necklace. "This is something that needs you, and you need it, too. We all do."

"But, what if Xavier's the key?"

"Oh?" Haruki said, demonically smiling. "Tell him about your ability, right now. Call him. Or, I'll call him. I know his number, of course." She took out her phone and opened the call keypad.

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