Chapter 21

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Felix didn't come to school the entire week before Winter Break. Everyone was trying to meet him because they wanted to make sure he was okay, but his manager, who's staying with him until he gets better, told everyone that they weren't allowed to see him.

At this point, I was mad at him. Mad, as in furious. Like, if anyone should be blocking someone and ignoring them, it should be me.

He probably blocked me because he's tired of lying and acting like he really cares about me. But, I hope that's not the case.

Nora and Leo keep trying to persuade me that Felix likes me and I do, too, but I'm not admitting it. And, I never will. Haruki, on the other hand, was losing her patience and is just waiting for the trip to Florida.

"Skyler," Xavier whined, resting his head and looking at me. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been spacing out for ten minutes, now."

"I'm fine," I mumbled back, looking at the floor.

Oh, yeah. I pretty much forgot that Xavier is now my boyfriend. That's kinda weird to think. I never thought I would be someone's girlfriend until college, but I guess life just turns out unexpected. Really unexpected.

"Can we leave?" I asked, sounding pathetic as hell. "My stomach hurts." That wasn't a lie. I felt sick to the core and nauseous.

"No problem," Xavier smiled. He sounded down.

Xavier offered to come to pick me up, but that would mean traveling with a chauffeur, which I don't need. It's easier to just come by myself. Xavier isn't old enough to have a car, but I'm pretty sure I still would choose not to come with him even if he did.

"Are you sure you can go by yourself?" Xavier questioned, looking at me as we walked outside.

I nodded. "I'm fine. Bye, Xavier."

He sighed, then leaned in towards me.

I realized he was expecting a good-bye kiss. I don't know why, but I patted his head and got inside my car. To hide my embarrassment, I waved at him.

"God, what the hell was I thinking?!" I exclaimed when I drove away. "Patting him on the head?! UGH!" I looked at myself through the rearview mirror. "You're a crazy weirdo, Sky. Just... kiss him! You've done it before! ... But, kisses are nasty. Why the heck did I do that before? UGH!"

It took another six minutes to get back home. With an angry stomach. I felt like I wanted to throw up, and I didn't even have anyone to talk to. Not even Cody. He's with cousins while I'm at home, supposed to be studying. Well, I guess I'm talking to Amanda.

I found myself asking the question, Why me? Yet again.

Felix's POV

I looked at my school email, checking for any homework I missed while I was gone.

Instead of anything from the teachers, I saw an email from Sky. It surprised me. Like, a lot. The last time I saw her, she was kissing my best friend in front of me. I know it was to make me mad. Somehow, she knew how much I like her, and she wanted to get revenge for how mean I was to her.

I read the email she sent.

*Hey, Felix. You probably don't want to hear from me, considering how you blocked me everywhere. But, can you please just tell me about what happened? I just want to know if you're okay.*

Same thing I wanted to know, Dimples, I thought. That was the only thing I wanted to know before she broke my heart into millions of pieces. If she was okay, or not.

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