Chapter 26

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"FINALLY!" Nora screamed. "YES!"

"That's why I kissed Xavier! I wanted to make Felix jealous!" I exclaimed. I held my head leaning back. "This is crazy. Wait, this is actually crazy!"

Nora looked like she was about to cry. "This took a month! You finally admitted it! This is amazing! A miracle!"

"It feels weird," I said.

"Tell him you like him.""What?! No!" I yelled back. "Nora, if I needed this much time to find out that I like him, I'll need even more time to tell him that I do."

She groaned. "Okay, at least, we got some progress."

I nodded. "Felix doesn't even like me, so-"


"Okay, okay," I sighed. "But, I still need time before I can tell him."

"Whatever," she scoffed. "My mission is done. Now, we leave it to Haruki to get you to tell him."

"Huh?" I questioningly said.

"Nothing," she replied. "Bye." She waved and ended the call.

I heard the door open from downstairs, and Paul, Catrina, and Cody walked in. I instantly ran downstairs and hugged Cody. "Hi!"

He laughed. "Hi, Sky."

I smiled at Catrina and Paul.

"Listen, Skyler. Just because I'm going to be a little more lenient on you, and Cody is now the heir for PCL Cosmetics, it doesn't mean you can slack off. You still need to study well and get a good job."

"I know, I know," I muttered. Catrina was better in a way, but she was still annoying and strict.

"Why're you so happy?" Cody asked when we went upstairs.

"I'll tell you in a second," I whispered back.


When we got upstairs, I spilled the beans. "I like Felix."

"WHAT?!" Cody belted. "FOR REAL?!"

I shushed him. "Yeah. I figured it out today." I told him the whole story from beginning to end.

"Why the heck did it take you so long?" he whined. "Did you tell him?"

I shook my head, making a grossed-out face. "No way. I can't yet. We have, like six months, Cody. I'll tell him when I'm confident."

"You'll never be confident enough," Cody mumbled under his breath.

I flicked his forehead. "I heard that."

Cody sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Can I come to your field trip?"

I shook my head. "No, what the heck, Cody? It's a school field trip for my school only. Don't worry about it. We'll come back with success. We have more than a day to talk to her."

"Okay, I know I'm asking too many questions, but did Xavier actually say that?"

I nodded, showing him the messages.

"Break up with him," Cody snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "I will," I replied, going back into my room.

My phone made a ding sound and I opened it. It was Haruki. *Okay, now talk to Felix to clear up the stupid misunderstandings between you two.*

Huh? I thought. I typed back. *What if it's not a misunderstanding?*

She was typing for a long time and I knew she was getting mad, so I just sighed and agreed. *Fine, I'll talk to him.*

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