Chapter 40

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"Priya, if you're lying to me, I swear, I'll kill you," I threateningly said.

She shook her head. "I'm not lying."

"What did you feel when you met them?"

"I don't know," she said, shrugging. "I just felt relieved sort of and they seemed like people I could talk to."

"Okay, I mean, I shouldn't really care because it's up to you to tell them and tell Xavier," I said, trying to look on the bright side.

She shrugged. "True. But, you do know that you need to help me, correct?"

I sighed. "I'm just glad I have three more people that know them and can also help you. And, us."

She nodded. "See? It won't be so bad. I'm honestly kind of annoyed, too. Kimberly is so bratty. She's so full of herself."

"You didn't see anything," I laughed. "Let's go back and say your 'goodbye' to Xavier."

Priya looked back at everyone, focusing mostly on Xavier.


Nora and I put all of our clothes away in prep to leave.

"Am I seriously the only one that mad at Haruki? I mean, I'm not going to be bratty to her, or anything, but you know why I'm annoyed, right?"

Nora looked at me. "Nah, not really."

"She never tells us anything, even if she knows everything. And, isn't it weird?"


"She didn't tell me that I couldn't hear Felix's secret because that would destroy my destiny. But, she let Priya know that and Priya found out that Xavier was her key just because she couldn't see his trauma."

"Hmm," Nora said. "I never thought about that. But, you do know that Haruki knowing everything means she's going to know what's the best for us? She's obviously doing things for reasons. She's not going to hide something huge from us, because that would hurt her, too."

I was too lazy to even try to argue with her. "Okay, then."

"You don't sound convinced."

"I don't wanna fight for sides, Nora," I mumbled.

"Why don't you just believe her, Sky?"

"I'm not having this conversation."

"But, you're the one that brought it up."

"Just forget about it," I replied, zipping up my bag.


"Nora," I said. "Don't worry about convincing me. I don't want to start anything. At least, not until I'm sure everyone is safe. Okay?"

Nora sighed. "Okay, then. I'm just glad you're thinking about everyone."

"I don't even know how Priya's going to get close with Kimberly and her gang. I just hope Priya, Kimberly, Tanner, and Jasmine easily become friends. So, we can get this over with you easily. I don't want to deal with this any longer."

"You're not the only one," Nora laughed. "I hate this with my whole heart."

"We'll get through it... alive."

"That makes it sound like you want to kill us all," Nora giggled.

I playfully smacked her shoulder. "Don't say that! I'm just waiting for Priya to tell Xavier."

"Where are they?"


"Kimberly and Jasmine."

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