Chapter 39

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Priya's POV

I knew I had to tell them as soon as possible, but for some reason, I waited. It's probably because this Kimberly girl is super rude and full of herself. Jasmine looks depressed, and Tanner is always goggling at Kimberly, which is super annoying.

The three of them instantly left after seeing me, but I knew I was most likely going to meet them later on.

Xavier and I soon got up and started walking around.

"So," I awkwardly started. "How do you know Kimberly?"

"Oh," Xavier laughed. "It's a long story. Tanner, Jasmine, Nora, and I were actually best friends since elementary. Leo was also in our group. Then, Kimberly and Felix joined JSPS in middle school. Felix won the show, as you know, and Kimberly's parents started a business, so they were pretty much rich. The seven of us became best friends. We were inseparable. But, Leo had to ruin the fun. Tanner, Felix, Leo, and I were the most popular boys at school. Tanner had lots of girlfriends. But, he kinda stopped being a player this year. He wasn't against it, he was just not as into it. I mean, I still did it."

"Do you do it now?" I asked, nervously.

He looked straight into my eyes. "Nah. It got boring."

"Since when?"

"Since... Since... recently."

I smiled to myself. At least he's not as much of a piece of shit as Skyler thinks he is. "Tell me more," I requested.

"When we started high school, things started to go wrong. Kimberly became the queen bee of the school, and Felix became the king. Felix didn't really care about that title, and he wasn't like Kim, so Tanner kinda just took his place. That's when Kim became super full of herself. She ended up claiming the four most popular boys. Tanner, Felix, Leo, and me. She had us as her 'choices'. Kim got used to her new fame and started thinking of Nora and Jasmine as her slaves. Tanner had a crush on Kim at that time, but he didn't tell anyone because he knew that Kim and Felix dated before she even met him."

"Wait, for real? Felix dated someone before he dated Skyler?" It was kinda hard to believe, considering they were the cutest and most loving couple ever. I mean, I haven't seen that many couples, but still.

Xavier cutely nodded. "They dated in elementary. Before Felix was even famous. Felix was good-looking and all back then, but his family wasn't in the best situation. Felix just won the show and he was only famous for that, so he wasn't as popular as he was then. Kimberly took advantage of his soft feelings and ended up hanging out with another boy. Now, Kim wants Felix back, but Felix is dating Skyler."

"Ohhhhh," I said. "Keep going."

"Anyways, back to the original story. My sister and Leo started having feelings for each other, which seriously sucked. 'Cause like... She's my sister... And, Leo's my best friend. And, it kinda just went on like that for a long time. Tanner liking Kim. Nora and Leo liking each other. Kimberly choosing between the boys. Felix... just being Felix and his usual music shit. At the beginning of the junior year- this year, Nora and Leo started dating secretly. They kept it a secret from Kim because Nora was scared about dating one of Kim's 'options'."

"Kimberly sure sounds like a bitch," I muttered under my breath.

Xavier laughed. "I can see where you're coming from. So, this year, Skyler came to our school. She was kinda weird. Like when she first came into the classroom, she looked around with one eye closed. Complete weirdo."

"It's probably because she didn't want to hear-" I stopped myself mid-sentence.

"Hear what?" Xavier asked.

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