Chapter 6

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Eight Years Ago

"Dad, where are we going?" I inquired, wiping my tears.

Dad loaded my bags into the trunk. "We're going somewhere, now sit in the car, and shut your running mouth."

He still had the letter in his hand, and I was scared for life. Mom clearly told me not to let him know, and right now, the entire explanation is in his hand.

We drove for almost an hour and he didn't say a word.

"Dad, can you please tell me where we're going?" I requested.

"We're going on vacation. For a week," he answered.

"A week?!" I exclaimed. "But, I want to stay with Mom! Until she..."

"Dies?" Dad sighed. "I read the letter, Skyler. It makes sense, now. About how strange you are, and why you're so shy all the time."

"So... you don't think I'm weird?" I asked, praying for a good answer.

He looked forward. "Your mom is dead."

My eyes widened. "W- what?"

"I got a phone call before we left. The doctors called me and said she died. Something is wrong with her brain. It's because she didn't find the right person, right?"

I didn't answer him, because I was too busy crying. I at least thought I can say the last good-bye, or talk to her about my ability. She's been the only person there for me, my entire life. I couldn't believe she was really gone.

Dad sighed again, stopping the car. "We're here, Skyler." He got out of the car, dumping my stuff at the entrance of the place.

I was too busy crying, to understand where we are.

Dad told me to stay in the car, which I did. I sobbed my eyes out. I had nothing else to do. It was too much for me to process. I wanted to see her. One last time.

After thirty minutes, Dad came out. He took me out of the car and brought me inside the place. It looked small with the soft floor. It also looked kinda like a library, with the same ragged floors and plain walls.

"Is this Skyler?" the lady asked. "We'll take her. You can leave."

"Wait, what's going on?" I looked at Dad, confused. "Where are we?"

"You're staying here, from now on," Dad told me. "This is an orphanage. Bye, Skyler. I'm leaving. You might get adopted, with luck."

"What?!" I ran after him, tears pouring down again. "What do you mean?! I thought you were going to take care of me!"

"I'm not going to take care of a monster," he said, pushing me towards the women.


"Dad," he spat. "Your mom loved someone else. I apparently wasn't the right person. You have no right to call me your dad, you animal."

I bawled, grabbing his leg. "DON'T LEAVE!" I felt the women try to pull me back. I held on for dear life.

"Let! GO!" he yelled. He pushed me off, and I fell on my back. "And, keep this." He threw Mom's letter at me.

I screamed at him, but he left. The woman pulled me into a room and locked me there. All alone.



"Felix!" I exclaimed. "CO2 is not Nitrogen! CO2 is Carbon Dioxide! Are you crazy?!"

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