Chapter 7

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"Sky!" Paul called from downstairs. "Your friend is here!"

I ran downstairs, looking through the door. Nora was standing there, a confused look on her face.

I ushered her upstairs. "Go, go, go, go, go." When we got inside, I locked the door and turned to her.

"So, you told me you had something to tell me, and you just called me over, and you're acting like you ate a bunch of sugar. You were so quiet in school. What happened now?"

"See, you're the only person I can tell, who wouldn't expose me, and make a big deal out of it for no reason. I have a secret."

I know she wouldn't expose me because she wasn't under Kimberly's control anymore. I can trust her.

"Wait, so you trust me?! Does this mean we're BFFs for life?!"

"Umm," I started. "Let's start with friends, for now. And, let's also stop acting like an eight-year-old."

She scowled. "Alright, what do you need to tell me?"

I took a deep breath.

"Wait..." she started. "I knew it! You're an alien, aren't you?! That's your secret! Am I right?! That's what you wanted to tell me!"

I sighed. "Well, I can't deny it. It's something like that."

"Yes! So where are you from?"

"I'm from Earth." I was surprised because she didn't look shocked, and was 100% able to believe me.

"You're not an alien if you're from-"

"Shut up, and let me explain." When I saw her pursed lips, I started talking. "I have an ability, where I can hear people's secrets whenever I look into their eyes. That's why I was so shy, in the beginning. But, I ended up hearing everyone's dark secrets, which is why I'm not shy anymore."

Her eyes widened. "I mean that kinda makes sense."

She's a nutjob, I thought. How did she believe that so fast?

"So, you don't think I'm weird?" I asked. "I thought you would think I was a weirdo, just like you."

"I think I can be more of a weirdo than you," Nora laughed. "I mean, I can't say I wasn't expecting this, because I always found you mysterious. But, I feel like there's something more to this."

I went to the drawer, opening it. I took out the letter my mom gave me eight years ago and handed it to Nora.

She read the entire letter. When she finished, she looked like she wanted to cry.

"You have to find love?" she asked. "And, she didn't find the right person, and was punished for it?"

I nodded. "That's the only way I can live."

She looked at the letter again, her eyes widening. "Wait... By the time you're 18?! That's only two years! You need to hurry up!"

"Two years is a lot of time," I told her. "It doesn't matter."

Nora scoffed. "Umm. Two years. That's not that much time. You need to get a boyfriend. Two years will pass in a flash."

"Nora, I'll know when 'the one' comes along. My mom knew the right person for her, too. She ignored that person because she felt bad for my dad. That was her mistake."

"Yeah, but you should at least try dating," she pointed out. "Maybe you'll know."

"There's no point. What if I like them, and then they break up with me? I won't be able to move on, and find 'the one'."

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