Chapter 29

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Haruki's POV

So, after you read this, you'll either think I'm a genius that deserves an award, or you'll think I'm a crazy bitch that needs to be sent to a mental asylum.

Honestly, I think I'm a little bit of both.

I've been planning this thing for a long time. Ever since I was a kid, I was told by my parents that I needed to save a girl in America. My older brother also said that. I was always proud of myself because I thought I was some hero.

Growing up in Japan was not that much fun. Considering that schools there are very strict. But, I always found my loopholes to everything to make my life so much easier.

I wasn't exactly popular in my Japan school, and I was kinda known as the smart weirdo. The name doesn't make sense, but who cares?

I was miserable, just wanting to go to America and save this girl. But, she didn't meet her key yet, so I couldn't.

My life completely changed when an American boy became my neighbor. He was shy, cute, and we shared the same interest.

Without hesitation, I started liking him, told him about my feelings and he returned them. Destiny, and all. He was my key.

He was such a sweet guy, and he understood everything.

Scott didn't come when we were planning the trip to America, but I knew he'd come later, so my brother, my mom, and I flew to America and stayed in a small abandoned house in the woods.

Our plan was pretty complicated, but we made it work.

First, I would sneak into the school to make Skyler curious. I kinda hated her at first glance, but that was expected.

We also told a woman, who was one of the right people for Skyler's real mom. Her name was Amanda, and she agreed to help us and became a maid for her adoptive parents' house. Amanda's job was to try and get Skyler to see us.

At this point, we only had eight months to get her to see us, but I knew we would get her in less than a month.

Soon enough, she came to see us and we explained everything to her. She was surprised, but she knew what she had to do.

The annoying thing about her is that she doesn't admit her feelings, but she always sticks up for other people.

My family actually lied to Skyler when we said we couldn't figure out someone's feelings. We know exactly who likes who. We know everything. But, using my powers to help her find her key would destroy her destiny.

You might think I did use my power to help her find her key. But, I didn't. It was a lie that you would realize who your key was once you admit your feelings. That was just so Skyler would admit her feelings.

The actual moment you find out who your key is, is when you confess your feelings to your key. That's the only way.

I never told Skyler this, but your power doesn't work on your key. She was confused by it, and I know it. After your power doesn't work for the first time, your ability starts to slowly fade away.

For Skyler, it didn't go away immediately, which is why she heard a few secrets after Felix.

The last part of the plan is major and dangerous. 

Skyler's school has a huge basketball team, and I found out that one of the games' referee is Skyler's dad. That left her in an orphanage. So, I forced her friends, Nora and Leo, to get tickets for her and make her come to the game. I also made them get tickets for Scott and me.

When I walked into the gym, Nora was paranoid. She was scared because I told her about the plan I had in mind.

"Calm down," I whispered to her so Skyler wouldn't see or hear.

"This is dangerous, Haruki. What if something bad happens?" she muttered back.

"Shut up," I told her. "This will work. I know it will, okay?" I kicked her leg and told her to sit down.

Leo was also worried. The entire week since I told Nora and Leo the plan, they've been giving worried looks to each other. Skyler even noticed this. Which made it horrible. But, that's not getting in the way of the plan.

I could tell Skyler felt uncomfortable in that huge space of people, and she left for the bathroom, which was a good thing. So, she wouldn't expect what was coming next.

When she came back, I saw Felix give her worried looks. She kept her head down the entire time, but I knew what was coming at the end of the second period.

The game started by then, and Nora was looking at Skyler's dad, disgusted. I mean, I was disgusted, too. I have an awesome dad, and I knew how much Skyler went through compared to me.

I didn't have a rigged power that doesn't work on people who are also cursed. I know how much Skyler hates me because my power is completely messed up compared to her. That's okay, though. Because the only thing I care about right now, is living.

One player from the other team made a comment at Felix, making Sky look up at glare at him. She looked so surprised when she didn't hear a secret. That's when she started getting furious, looking around, and trying to hear a secret.

That's when she saw him. Her dad. Her body froze and her face went pale. She was sweating a bit and I saw Felix give her a concerned look.

Nora looked really upset that Skyler had to go through this because of the plan. She pursed her lips and sighed. "This better work, Haruki."

I nodded. "It will."

"Sky!" Felix shook her.

She pulled away and ran out of the gym.

And, I know you're wondering what we're going to get out of this part of the plan. What the point of making her see her dad was. Well, you'll find out. 

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