Chapter 18

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I don't wanna be a baby, but the fact that Amanda lied about my grandma made me feel upset. I kinda had hope that I can meet at least one person from my mom's side. But, I didn't let it show.

Nako's dinner was honestly one of the best homemade meals I've ever had. Better than our chef's. But, I had trouble using chopsticks, so Haruki had to (grudgingly) teach me.

While eating I had to ask Haruki a question.

"You said that the guy's name is George Darrow, right?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah. You wanted to know why I said his name was George Anderson in the bathroom, no? I said his last name was Anderson because it would catch your attention more. 'Cause that's your old last name."

I looked between Haruki and Amanda, sighing. They did what they had to do to get me here.

"I recommend leaving," Hisaki told me.

"Hisaki, not you, too-" Nako started. "Oh... You should leave, dear. It's best, right now."

"Huh? Wait, why?"

Haruki had on a sly smirk. "Just go home, nerd. You'll find out." She and Hisaki exchanged amused looks. "And, don't forget to tell your friends. Nora and Leo. Tell them about everything I told you today."

I looked at them, confused. And, I can tell Amanda was, too.

"Is there something wrong at home, Nako?" Amanda asked.

Nako let out a small laugh. "Just go you two. You'll find out when you get there. Also, Skyler. There is someone else you need to tell. There is one more right person you need to tell. Other than your key."

I got up and thanked Nako for telling me everything and giving me dinner. As much as there was a chance to make things right, I was afraid that I would let everyone down.

If I don't find love and help Priya find love, Leo, Nora, Haruki's entire family, and more will die. The best thing to do right now is to stay calm and try to find love.

"Do you know what happened at home?" I asked Amanda, driving.

"I don't," she replied. "I guess, we just have to find out."

"What if we were out too long?" I sighed.

"We were out for two hours, Skyler. It's not that long. They won't get mad for something like that."

"That's good," I said. I parked the car outside and used my key to open the door. The first thing I heard when I got inside was Cody laughing.

"Cody! Don't laugh at him like that!" Paul whisper-yelled.

The voices were coming from the living room.

"Dear, why don't you stay for dinner?" Catrina was asking someone.

"Yes," Paul agreed.

As walked through the hall to the living room, I heard a familiar voice. "With all due respect, Mrs. and Mr. Lopez, I didn't come here for dinner. Can we at least call the cop-"

The voice stopped when I stepped inside. "Felix?!" I exclaimed. "What're you doing here?!"

To my surprise, Felix ran to me, threw his arms around my waist, and tightly hugged me. "Are you crazy, Sky?! I texted you so many times, and you didn't reply?! I got so worried! You could at least reply!"

"Felix, my phone was shut down-"

"Yeah, but you saw my messages, right?!"

"Umm. Yeah, but-"

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