Chapter 31

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I ran into the house and instantly hugged Cody, lifting him as I did so. "Ah! Cody! Thank you for believing in me! I love you!"

"Sky! You're going to kill me! I can't breathe!" he choked out.

I put him down. "I'm sorry." I patted his head and ran into my room.

"Ah!" I flopped onto my bed and thought for a second. I opened up my phone and searched up 'Felix Griffin', looking at a picture of him. "Are you trying to kill me?" I giggled. "You're so cute, it hurts."

I felt like I was turning into one of Felix's fangirls, but I didn't care. I knew he loved me the most of all of them. It felt so amazing.

"Sky? Are you okay?" Cody asked, walking into my room.

"Felix is my boyfriend, Cody," I laughed.

"He's your, WHAT?!" Cody yelled. "Wait, since when?!"

"Since the basketball game," I answered. I proceeded to explain everything that happened at the game.

"You met your dad?" Cody quietly asked.

I nodded. "It felt nice to say bad things about him. Finally. In front of him."

"That's great, Sky. I'm glad you're looking better. And, I'm glad that Felix is now your boyfriend."

Felix's POV

I wanted to stay longer and talk to Sky, but she told me to go and have fun. I don't think she realized that I'll have more fun with her than I would have with any of these boys.

"What were you guys even talking about?" Tanner asked me when I got inside his car.

I shook my head. "It was nothing."

"Are you guys dating?"

"No," I quickly replied. I didn't want to talk about it since Sky literally embarrassed Xavier in front of everyone. I'm sure Tanner would tell Xavier. Then, Xavier would make it a big deal.

"That's good. Your female fans would freak, buddy," he told me.

I never thought about that. The only thing I really cared about at that point was Sky. Not my career. Weird fans used to be a big deal before I moved. They used to show up at my house and threaten me.

Now that I live in a more secure area, no one knew my address. And, the school now has security that stays outside the school that holds back any fans. I mean, I love my fans, but they don't need to be rude.

Tanner was quiet for the rest of the ride. I was kinda scared about this party.

As soon as we walked into the house, I could smell the alcohol. Gross. There's no way I'll even taste it. I knew that this wasn't just a basketball party.

Kimberly and her minions were already there. I had a bad feeling about this. I wasn't even old enough to drive back home alone, or even have my own car, so I called my parents to send the chauffeur.

"Tanner, where are your parents?" I said when we walked inside.

"They're on a business trip at the Bahamas. The butler needs to listen to me no matter what, so yeah. He's not going to tell my parents about it."

"Where'd you get the bottles?"

"It's my parents' alcohol," he answered.

"Aren't those really expensive?"

Tanner nodded. "I mean, yeah, but we can just buy them all over again so my parents won't know. Get it?"

I nodded, stopping my questions.

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