Chapter 45

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"He told me he liked me!" Priya squealed.

I ended up squealing, too. "That's soo cute!"

She let out a dreamy sigh. "I never imagined I'd be dating Xavier Williams."

"And, so fast," I replied. "It took more than a couple of months for me."

"It's probably because Xavier is a lot more confident."

"I bet he won't be as confident when you tell him everything," I replied.

"I hope that's not the case. He's cute when he's confident," she giggled.

I laughed. "Tell him, soon. The sooner we do the combining thing, the better. I told Felix as soon as we confessed."

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you. My mom's making me go to Maple Park High School for the rest of the year. It's gonna be weird. 'Cause I was homeschooled for most of my life. I need to take the admission exam before I do that, though. For them to see how smart I am. I'll only be able to go to school if I pass."

I tilted my head. "Are you confident you'll pass?"

Priya nodded, then scrunched up her face. "Are you kidding? Of course, I will. I've been homeschooled. I'm not completely dumb. How do you think I learned English? It's all thanks to my dad and mom. Plus, I read Harry Potter growing up. I know all about the English language."

"You should have a talk with my brother sometime," I laughed. "He's also a Potterhead."

"Are you?"

I shrugged. "Kinda. Anyway, I just wish you can come to school with us. It would be fun."

"We'd still hang out," Priya replied.

I nodded. Priya and I have been video-calling very often now. We've gotten super close and sometimes called for hours.

"Y'know, Skyler," Priya started. "Maybe that thing you were talking about wouldn't be so bad."

"What thing?" I asked, cleaning up my table.

"The thing where you said we don't need to get rid of our powers completely, but instead use them for the greater good."

I looked up and smiled. "I was just thinking about it. Maybe we can ask Haruki."

"She wouldn't say yes," Priya sighed. "She's different from us, Sky. We have cursed powers, and she... well she just has powers. She wants to live her own life. A normal life. Maybe we shouldn't mess with that."

"Wha- You're serious? I thought you would be like 'hell, yeah, we aren't connecting any jewelry.' Wouldn't you want better powers, too?"

Priya laughed and then shrugged. "17 years is already a lot of time for being special, don't you think? It wouldn't be so bad for us, but for the others? Really think about it, Skyler. And, think of the others, too. What would the others want?"

The others would want me to not do anything about it, I thought. But, what do I want?

"Sky!" Priya yelled.

I jumped in surprise. "What-uh?"

"I've called your name like five times. Are you good?"

"Yeah. Oh, Priya. I just remembered I need to help Cody with his homework. I'll talk to you later."

She pursed her lips and waved. "Okay, then. Bye, Sky!"

"Bye!" I cheerfully exclaimed. My happy expression changed as soon as I cut the call.

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