Chapter 43

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Priya and I video-called after school.

"What did Kim, Tanner, and Jasmine say to you guys?" Priya asked.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but can you answer a question for me?"

"Answering a question with another question," Priya muttered. "Fine, what's your question. And, make it quick, 'cause I wanna know what they said to you."

"How the hell did you become friends with them so fast? Especially Kimberly."

"I just talked to them like a normal friend would. I mean, I've never really had a friend, but I have a pen pal who I talk to, so I just kinda talked to Kimberly, Jasmine, and Tanner the same way."

I scowled. "Okay, sure."

Priya studied my face. "Look, Kimberly isn't any different than you. Before she was rich, bratty, or annoying, she was a human. A girl. Every human deserves real friends. I think you should start over with her."

"Yeah, no," I said.

Priya rolled her eyes. "Suit yourself. Now, tell me what they said."

I shrugged. "They didn't really say much. They just asked us if everything you told them was true and it ended at that."

"That's so boring," Priya sighed. "Whatever."

"How's it going at Haruki's place?" I asked.

She smiled. "It's actually going very well. I've never really had any other food, but Indian, but Haruki's mom is crazy good at cooking. The sushi especially. And, the udon noodles. I can't get enough of it."

"For real," I said. "She's such a good cook."

"And, if I have to be honest, I can't take my eyes off of Hisaki. Like, imagine looking like him! His girlfriend must be so lucky."

"He knows what you're talking about," I giggled. "They only lost the ability to see the future, not the present, Priya."

I saw her face go red and she laughed. "I'm stupid. But, I still think Xavier is better than anyone. Anyways, you know I have a date with Xavier for dinner."

"Yeah," I laughed. "Did you get the clothes I gave to Haruki?" I gave her black ripped jeans, a black denim jacket, and a bright red crop top to wear for her date.

She nodded. "Mhm. Thanks."

"Have fun."

"Alright. Bye, Skyler!" she exclaimed, waving.

"Bye," I said, smiling. I ended the call and went to my table to study. I hope their date goes well.


Kimberly quietly sat next to me.

"Ugh," I said. Being paired up with the girl you hate most in the school for a project isn't fun. I don't know why we keep getting projects, but it's getting annoying

Nora and I presented our math project just today, and Mrs. Nelson instantly gave another one, but this time she picked our partners.

"I just wanna slap Nelson in the damn face," Kimberly whispered.

"That's the one thing we can agree on," I sighed. "Poster or slides?"

"Your choice," she replied.

My eyes widened at that. "What?"

She looked at me. "Your choice."

"Haha. Nice joke. Now, just tell me what you want to do before I decide myself."

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