Chapter 34

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"Are you all packed, dear?" Paul asked, coming into my room. "Four days is quite a lot, don't you think? Are you sure you want to go?"

"Paul, you already signed the permission slip and gave in the money. I'll be okay. I have Felix, Nora, and Leo."

"Okay, okay," he sighed. "Just... be careful, alright? And, make sure you stay with your group."

"I got it," I said, clicking my tongue. I picked up my bag and walked out the door.

"Are you sure that that's all you need for five days?" Paul questioned.

I groaned. "Paul, why're you worrying so much? It's five nights, not a month."

"I don't know, Sky. You've never really been out for more than one month. And, you don't even have Amanda or Oliver to take care of you. It's a bit scary for me. I thought it was only four days, but you need a whole day just for traveling."

"I'll be fine," I said, smiling. "You're going to drop me off, right? 'Cause like, if I go by myself, the car... and everything."

"Stephen will take you, don't worry about it."

"No!" I exclaimed. "No, no... no."

"Is there something wrong?"

I pursed my lips. "No, but can you take me? Don't tell him, but I don't like Stephen. He creeps me out. Can you please take me?"

Paul laughed. "I was just kidding, honey. You're going with Felix and Mr. Griffin. I grew to realize that you don't like Stephen."

I sighed in relief. "Thank god."

I ran outside and saw Mr. Griffin already waiting for me. Cody ran to me from inside and gave me a huge hug before going to Stephen to get dropped off at school.

I walked to the car and waved before getting inside. Felix was sitting in the back and I sat next to him.

"Hey," I laughed.

He smiled. "Hey."

"Thanks for agreeing to drop me off, Mr. Griffin," I said.

"No problem, Skyler," Mr. Griffin beamed. "It's my pleasure."

It took 20 minutes to get to the airport, and it was pretty early in the morning already. We're actually leaving a day before the actual trip starts because the whole 'getting there' process will take a long time.

I was kind of mad that Haruki didn't tell me that we weren't going to meet immediately after we landed in Florida.

Mr. Griffin blasted the radio and I could tell he couldn't be able to hear anything that Felix and I were talking about.

"Are you ready?" I whispered to Felix.

"More ready than I'll ever be, Sky," he replied. He placed a hand over mine. "The real question is are you ready?"

I shrugged. "I thought I would be, but I don't know now. I feel weird, Felix. I feel like something is going to go wrong."

"Even if it does, it's okay. We have each other, and we even have Leo, Nora, Haruki, Haruki's brother... So, don't worry."

I looked at him. "I love you so much." I wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed his cheek.

He laughed. "My dad's right in front of us."

"I don't care," I muttered, resting my head on his shoulder.

He chuckled, putting his arm over my shoulder. "I love you more, Sky."

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