Chapter 27

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Felix's POV

"I broke up with Skyler last night," Xavier told me as we walked into school.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"She was annoying, so I told her to shut up and I broke up with her."

"What did she even do?" I asked, my blood boiling. I still like her, of course. And, we finally cleared up misunderstandings between us yesterday.

"She was confused about why no one knew about us dating, so she asked me and I told her that I was embarrassed by her. And, she got mad, so I broke up with her. She was begging me to come back."

I scoffed. "Xavier, why wouldn't she get mad? She has a heart, too, and you just told her that you were embarrassed by her. Why the hell did you even ask her out?"

"'Cause, she's hot," Xavier laughed.

I was one moment away from smacking him in the face. "She's not an object that you can just play with."

"Umm. Hello? I'm Xavier Williams? And, you're Felix Griffin. You should be more into playing with chicks than I should. She's a nerd. It doesn't matter."

"Shut up," I growled. "Females aren't toys."

"Why're you so damn angry?"

"I was so confused about why you were so nice to her in the first place. You're never nice to girls. And, it turns out you were just acting the whole time."

Xavier shook his head. "You're taking this way too hard. I knew she would think I date a lot of girls, so I was just nice to her to lure her in."

I stopped walking and glared at him. I was about to punch him. But, I didn't.

Kimberly interrupted me before I did anything. "Felix!"

I knew she was going to cling onto me, so I just walked into Mr. Walkman's classroom, ignoring both her and Xavier.

Sky was already there. She was reading at her textbook, and she shot me a small smile when she saw me.

"So... are you okay?" I asked her.

She tilted her head in confusion. Adorable. "Why would I not be okay?"

"You and Xavier broke up, didn't you? That's what he told me."

She nodded. "I mean, I don't really care. It was kinda made my life a lot easier when I broke up with him?"

Wait, what? I thought. "Didn't he break up with you?"

"Oh?" she giggled. "Is that what he wants everyone to think?" She turned around and glared at him, standing up. "So now, you broke up with me? In what world?"

The entire class looked at her.

"Wait, you guys are together?" Jasmine asked, squinting her eyes.

"Not anymore. He wants everyone to think he broke up with me when I broke up with him."

"You broke up with him?" Kim laughed. "I don't think so."

Xavier gave Sky a small smirk, which made me want to kill him even more. He even mouthed the words, 'no one's going to believe you'.

Sky laughed again. "I have text messages that would say otherwise." She took out her phone and started reading the messages. "It clearly says here that I'm the one that broke up with you. If you can read it." She shoved her phone in Xavier's face. "I'm the one who sent the message. We're done."

I couldn't help but smile at her. The major reason I like her is that she looks so quiet, but she can be more confident than Kimberly.

Sky sat down, burying her face in her book again. The class was snickering at Xavier, who scoffed and turned back to Tanner.


At lunch, I stopped sitting next to Xavier and Tanner, and I started sitting at Sky's table. It was Sky, Leo, Nora, and me. I think Jasmine joined Kim's gang again with Miranda and stopped being friends with Sky and Nora.

I could tell how annoyed Sky was every time Leo and Nora kissed. Well, they kissed at least ten times in the lunch period, so I don't blame her.

At one point, I was going to go to my basketball coach's classroom to tell him that I can't play on Friday. We still had thirty minutes left of lunch, so I had time to come back and finish eating.

Leo, being the good friend he is, decided to come along with me. But, halfway into walking, I started to question the reason he really decided to accompany him.

"Sooooooo..." he dragged, his voice higher than usual.


"Do you have something to tell me?"

I shook my head. "No."

He made an annoyed face. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yup."

He was silent for a moment, then he pursed his lips. "You like Skyler, don't you?"

I stopped walking. "What? No. She's just a friend." I wish, I thought.

He was silent again. "Tell me the truth, Felix. I'm your best friend."

"Is it really that obvious? I'm trying to forget about her, so stop reminding me."


"My sister told me that it's getting out of hand. She told me that it's becoming an obsession."

"It's destiny," Leo whispered. "You can't forget about her. It's not possible."

"Wait, what?"

Leo sighed. "Nothing. You shouldn't forget about her. It's not good for you either. You'll get worse if you try to."

"That makes no sense."

"Just don't forget about her," Leo mumbled. "It's easier. Why don't you ask her out?"

I shook my head. "No way, bro."

Leo scowled, then stopped talking.

We walked to Coach Nguyen's classroom, in the elementary wing. He's a second-grade teacher, but he coaches girls and boys basketball for us after school and on Saturday.

He was in a class when we walked inside, so he had to pause his lesson.

"What's up, boys?" he asked.

"I don't think I'm ready to start playing again, Coach."

"Oh?" Coach Nguyen said. "This is one of the last games of the season, Felix. Are you sure?"

"I'll be there for the last game, but not this one."

"I hope your condition gets better," he said. "I think you should start seeing someone. I had a similar experience in high school. I started dating and it got better. I'm married to that same woman."

I felt Leo's eyes burn on my face, and I smiled at Coach, ignoring Leo. "Thanks, Coach."

"Didn't you hear that, Felix?" Leo snickered.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

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