Chapter 4

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"Skyler Lopez, come here, right now!" Catrina's voice demanded. "You're insane, aren't you! You're in big trouble!"

"There's still time before I leave, Catrina," I called back. "Gimme ten minutes."

"Right! Now!" She sounded pissed about something.

I walked downstairs stretching. "Yes?"

"What is this?" She gave me her phone. "Look at that video, and explain yourself. It was your first day of school, and you just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?"

I took a look at her phone and gasped. It was an Instagram video, and it was me yelling at Nora. The number of likes it had was unbelievable, and all of the comments were praising me.

"I didn't know they would take a video, Catrina," I told her. "I'm sorry. But, she needed to know."

"She needed to know?" she scoffed. "Do you know who you were talking about? The person who decided to post this video said you were talking about the daughter of Smiths. The Smiths! I've talked to you about this before. The Smiths are the biggest shareholder in my company! And, you talked smack about their daughter?!"

"Calm down, Catrina," Paul sighed. "No one even knows she's our daughter. Because you decided to hide her all the time. Just leave it."

"What if they find out?! They can easily find out!" Catrina yelled. "We'll lose everything!"

"The Smiths aren't our only shareholders," Paul defended. "We'll be okay. We'll barely lose any money."

Catrina turned to me. "Our reputation is ruined because of you. There's a reason I hid you. Don't use this school as an excuse."

"I won't," I assured. "I apologize. It won't happen again."


"Hey! New girl!" a voice behind me called.

I turned around, seeing Xavier Williams, Nora's twin brother. "Hi." Of course, no eye-contact.

He started walking next to me. "I'm the one who posted your video, yesterday. I thought people should know about Kimberly. I felt the same, and I didn't like her claiming me. Thanks for saying that. Everyone else was too scared of her. Now, we're free from her."

"That's great," I plainly said. "You were just too much of a coward to do it yourself." I walked faster.

"Geez," he laughed, catching up to me. "It was just a compliment, but okay."

"I'm not in the mood for compliments, Xavier." I was about to run, but I'm sure he wouldn't let me go. I could tell he wanted me to look at him, properly.

"Why're you so shy?" he asked. "Is it because of my handsome face?"

"Oh, lord..." I growled. "I don't want to talk to you, so leave me alone. Leave it, while I'm talking. Okay?"

"You're weird," Xavier stated. "But, pretty."

I turned to him, ending up looking into his eyes and hearing his secret. I saw a man kidnapping a little girl, but I didn't do anything because back then, I was a scaredy-cat and a coward.

I groaned, running into the school with my head down. I heard him call after me. So much for, not hearing any secrets.


Eight Years Ago

"Skyler Anderson, please report to the main office for dismissal," the speaker said.

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