Chapter 17

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked Amanda, getting out of the car. "It looks just like a cabin to me."

"That's because you've been living with Paul and Catrina Lopez for more than eight years. If it were nine years ago, you would probably think this was a nice house."

I gave her a dirty look. "So, are we just going to walk in, or what?"

The door opened, before I even knocked on it, a young man standing there. He was tall, with a nice build and silky black hair. Maybe around twenty years old.

I was pretty much breathless when I saw him. He was pretty dang handsome.

He smiled at me, bowing. "We've been expecting you for a long time, Skyler."

"Oh, you know me?" I said, looking at Amanda.

She nodded. "Everyone in this household should know you."

The man lead me inside, then motioned me into a room, where a woman was sitting in front of a boiling pot of tea. "Ah, Skyler! We needed to warn you, but Amanda took too long."

"Her parents are stupidly always around, Nako," Amanda complained. "It takes time, but she got her license, so she can go places alone."

"Yes, I know, I know, Amanda," the woman sighed. "Haruki! Come in here with the cups please!"

"One step ahead of you, Mother!" a girl's voice came from the other room. She walked in carrying cups and I gasped.

"You!" I exclaimed. "You're that girl from school! What're you doing here?!"

"Skyler, please," the woman said. "Let me explain. My name is Nako Onishi, and these are my kids, Haruki." She pointed at the girl from school. "And, Hisaki." She pointed at the guy who greeted me at the door.

"Who are you guys?" I questioned. "What do you want from me?"

"We are like you, Skyler. But, somewhat better. We need to warn you, and it's very important."

"What?" I growled, glaring at the girl.

"I need to tell you the history, Skyler. Of how all of this started." She poured the tea into the cups, then placed one in front of me.

"What history?"

She took a deep breath, then started. "In 1898, there was a Japanese man named Hachiro Nakamura. He sent letters to two of the most accomplished scholars from two countries; George Darrow from Scotland, and Divya Naidu from India. These letters were sent because Hachiro just discovered something important, which he needed to share. George and Divya set sail for Japan, immediately after they received the letters. When George and Divya got there, Hachiro took them to his garden, where he grows ancient herbs. He told George and Divya that he discovered a potion that can let anyone know anything they want. He said that he already took the potion and he had the power. He was telling the truth, but George and Divya laughed at him, thinking he was pathetic. As much as they were amused, they were also angry because it took quite a long time for them to get to Japan, just to hear a mental person say that he had powers. Hachiro wanted to prove it to them, so he started making the potion for the two of them. He trusted them with those powers because they were smart. He made one, for one person, then placed it in front of George and Divya. Soon after, Hachiro went to cut the herbs he needed to make the second one. While he was gone, George and Divya fought over who would get the potion first. They decided to split the potion and drink half of it each. That was a mistake. By the time Hachiro came back with the herbs, George and Divya passed out. They were instantly taken back to their home countries. But, before they left, Hachiro used his power to figure out a cure for their sickness. He wrote them letters, telling them what they needed to do to feel better. And, he also gave them jewelry with their country colors on it, which connects them."

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