Chapter 24

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I hesitantly went downstairs to see Felix sitting in the living room. He was on the phone with someone and I stayed on the steps to listen.

For Cody, I thought

"God, Dani... stop being so dramatic!... No, because one, you can't tell me what to do, and two, her little brother isn't letting me leave... It's not like I'm going to talk to her... Oh, don't say that... Yeah, whatever. Get drunk and party like you always do, I don't care... Don't you dare come back... Give it to Mom... Mom, don't let her go near her phone, please... She torturing me... Yeah... Mhm... Thanks, I'm hanging up... Bye. See you later."

I walked towards the couch with my hands behind my back and shot a quick smile towards Felix.

He nodded back, not even acknowledging me.

"What, are you going to ignore me because your sister hates me for a reason I don't know?" I mumbled.

He stretched his arms out. "Whatever." He was looking at his phone.

"Did I do anything to make you mad?" I sighed.

He shook his head. "Nope."



"Are you sure?"

"Not once."


He looked up at me. His green eyes somehow looked icy and cold. "What would you have done to make me mad?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, but you blocked me everywhere, sooooo..."

"My sister was playing a prank on me, so she blocked all of the girls on my phone."

"I don't think that's true," I muttered. "She specifically gave me a warning to not talk to you, so I'm pretty sure she blocked me and me only."

"That may or may not have happened." He sounded amused.

"It isn't funny!" I exclaimed, sounding more upset than I intended to.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

"Sure you are." I saw Cody looking at us from the stairs and I made a face at him. He took the sign and went upstairs.

"Sure you are!" Felix mocked.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "Anxiety, huh? Liar. You look perfectly fine."

"That shouldn't matter to you."

"Yeah, it's just an excuse because you're too lazy to make music for your fans."

"Lazy?" Felix laughed. "I finished everything. Writing, recording, filming. I wouldn't randomly get stubborn because I'm lazy."

"Don't you have to tour?"

"I toured over the summer."

"Ah, so you did one tour and ended it."

"Why're you so annoying?"

"Ha! Don't ask me stupid questions like that. I'm sure you know."

He turned around, then started talking again. "So," Felix started. "How's it going with Xavier?"

That question caught me off guard. "Umm. It's going... okay. Actually, it's going great. We went on lots of dates, he got me a new computer, and we kissed a lot. Like, a lot." I'm amazing at lying. We haven't kissed once after the parking lot peck. And, a computer? I don't know where that came from.

"That's great," he sighed, sounding annoyed. "But, why should I care how many times you guys made out?"

I scowled. "I mean-"

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