Chapter 1: Who are they?

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I slide down into the chair at the coffee shop a few blocks from my apartment before opening my laptop. Since I had returned from killing Tartarus about a year ago, I have been working on getting my high school degree so I could go to college. I knew I didn't need to go to college but I needed something to distract me from my family's death. I couldn't deal emotionally with normal teenagers who had nothing to worry about in life so I chose to do online high school. It also allowed me to work ahead and perhaps finish earlier which was my goal. I had all the time in the world with me being immortal but my battle prone brain does not want to sit in a classroom.

It had started as a normal day. I had gotten my coffee, chatted with the barista, and got my favorite spot by the window. However, when I noticed the news report when I had glanced at the news to see if anything interesting was being reported, I saw some sort of craft descending on a city in Europe. The reporter was saying that police forces had cleared the area and military forces were on their way to aid them as a precautionary measure since the intention from the people of the craft were unknown. I stood and joined the others around the tv screen as the reporter continued to report the situation.

"Now, the police are unaware why, what are believed to be aliens, have decided to enter our planet without any contact." The woman was saying as the craft was descending behind them. It had these two long rectangular wings that were parallel to each other connected by a center mass which I assume holds the main part of the ship. "They don't believe it to be a peaceful mission which has led to the French Government sending the military to aid their police." The reporter continues to talk until the craft lands. It looked to have landed in a giant park which barely had enough room.  As everyone anxiously waits to see who or what would exit the craft, there are shouts before the camera tilts up and we see a whole fleet of the same craft descending.

"This isn't a peaceful mission," The woman next to me said in horror, "This is an invasion!" There are lots of shouts coming from outside. The people in the shop exchange glances before we all run outside and to our dismay, the same thing was happening in New York but it was different. Instead of what looked like landing crafts, we had bomber looking crafts.

One the weapons began to fire, I didn't realize we were under attack until I saw the first body drop next to me. My body tensed up and I put up a shield aware of the other humans near me. I sent shields around them before launching myself into the air and landing on one of the crafts. Once on the ship, I realized that the bomber wasn't being flown by some alien but the bomber was an droid himself and was making decisions on his own.

It was pure metal so I knew summoning a sword or another of my weapons wouldn't do much but my powers could. I called on an earthquake as I slammed my hand down on the center of the living craft. My hand went straight through the armor allowing me to rip out the wires. The alien craft sputtered before going down. I do a flip off the ship and land on another one but this one seemed to learn from his friend's death. It immediately tried to throw me off but I called on the wind to keep me in my place. I close my eyes and allow my Hephaestus powers over machinery to come through. I gained control of the craft and weapons and immediately began to shoot down the rest of the bombers. Once it was just my bomber and one other bomber, I crashed my craft into the other one as I jumped off. I fall toward the ground but I land unhurt thanks to my powers.

I look around to gauge the damage and was happy to see there wasn't too much damage and judging by the ambulances that were doing nothing there were no injuries. I was about to leave and find out what the hell these things were when I heard someone call out to me. I turn and see police officers and military soldiers pointing their weapons at me. Judging by the uniforms on the soldiers, I had both the Army and the Marines ready to take me down.

"Whoever you are, stand down. We do not want to harm you." One of the military leaders shouted at me. I sigh. It would do more harm if I tried to run since I could help them with this invasion. So, I slowly raise my hands above my head to show I didn't mean any harm. A group of four Marines were sent toward me with their weapons still drawn.

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