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You slipped on the ship, the bag of fish, bread and water over your shoulder. You heard a group of voices, and you just managed to evade them, running down to the bottom of the ship.

I'm out. It's okay, I'm out. Oh my god, we're going to have a nice life, baby. You hugged your stomach, tears streaming down your cheeks as you cried from the sheer joy of your freedom. Freedom that was jeopardized when the door opened, and you were just barely concealed as a couple Fire Nation soldiers grabbed a barrel that was next to you.

"Did you hear?" one said.

"Hear what?"

"General Zhao's married to one of the princesses! God, I saw her once. She was gorgeous. No- she was perfect. You know who I'm talking about?" the first one swooned, making you gag quietly. "Which princess?"

"Princess Y/N! She's the second child of the Fire Lord!"

"Oh. She's the one with the yellow eyes?"

"All of the royal family have yellow eyes, dumbass. But do you know who I'm talking about?"

"No, not really. But Y/N's a weird name. It makes her sound like she isn't from any of the nations." the first one scoffed at the second one's statement. "It's not weird, it's a beautiful name! For a beautiful girl! God, what I would do to marry her." you peeked around your hiding spot, seeing the man who was talking about you. He had an average build, and looked to be about twice your age.

"But she's married to General Zhao." the second one pointed out, and you had to suppress your snort at the first one's face. "Yeah, but don't you think she'd want to be with a man who's closer to her in age?" the other one snorted.

"Y'know, she doesn't get to choose who she marries. It's not how it works. God, you're stupid." they started to bicker, leaving the bottom of the ship.

You waited a little longer until you felt it was safe to go upstairs and see where you were. You crept up the ladder, paying close attention to any sounds. When you deemed it safe, you scurried out to the railing of the ship, wanting to see where you were.

It was still dark, but it was closer to sunrise than midnight. You saw streaks of light pink paint the horizon, and you watched as the sun started to rise, not paying attention to your situation anymore.

"Hey! There's a stowaway!" someone shouted, and you froze. Shit. I've been caught. You panicked, seeing a land mass a couple miles away and deciding to make a run for it. You sent a blast of fire towards the soldiers that were trying to corner you.

"To the asshole who said that he wanted to marry me: I can't choose who I marry, dumbass!" and with that, you jumped off the ship, bending the water to create a wave and break your fall. "Is she the Avatar?" someone yelled, and you grinned when they realized that they wouldn't be able to catch you.

You continued to use the wave to get you to safety, before you saw that the soldiers were thinking of chasing after you. You started to freeze the water in front of you, running to safety. "We can't catch her! That's Kyoshi, the one with the strong warriors!" you heard someone faintly cry.

Kyoshi, huh? Maybe I'll have luck over here. You continued to run, refusing yourself any rest. You saw a shadow start to chase after you, and you picked up your pace, sending blasts of fire and water towards the thing chasing you.

You heard a roar come from behind you, and you turned around, creating a fireball to deter it. It wasn't affected, though, and you started to run again, seeing how close to the island of Kyoshi you were.

You felt your legs go numb, and you started to cry with the force of your running. Come on, come on, why are you doing this?!? For your fucking baby! Run! You screamed in your mind, seeing the monster behind you from the corner of your eye.

"No!" you screamed, creating your largest wave yet and making it crash over the creature. You continued to run, seeing that you were so, so close. You got this. Please, don't give up yet. You urged, finally reaching the island.

"Yes. I made it, I made it." the creature went back into the ocean, not following you onto the beach. "I'm safe. We're safe, little one." you rubbed your not-round stomach, collapsing onto the sand. "We're safe, we're safe." you repeated. "We're gonna live. We're gonna live. Baby, we're gonna have a good life." you rocked yourself back and forth, falling asleep and dreaming of your new future.

let's just say.. i wasn't myself when i wrote this 

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now