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"Sokka, you don't look half-bad with your hair down." you complimented as Aang and Katara were getting ready to fight again. "Are you...flirting with me?" you laughed. "Nope. You're too good for me, anyway. Plus, you have other girls and I have my kids."

"Just people." Aang said. "I'm a mom!" you chimed in, joining your friends in the water. "Who are you?"

"We're nomads." Chong introduced himself and his wife. "Oh...nice underwear." Chong complimented Sokka, who used Momo to cover his parts as he walked away. "Nice compliment. But Sokka's a "real man", Chong. Be careful with your words, he's very easily offended." you laughed.

Lily braided Appa's fur, putting flowers here and there. You ignored their conversation, until Sokka said something that caught your attention. "Sokka, stop being so distrustful. We've been traveling together for a while, and you still don't trust me. It says something about you."

"You gotta focus less on the where and more on the going." Lily said from behind Katara. Chong started to sing about a tunnel in the mountains, and you clapped along. "Let's just stick to flying. We've dealt with the Fire Nation before. We'll be fine."

"Launch!" Appa dodged the fire balls, Aang, Katara and Sokka screaming all the way. You giggled, amused by the constant rocking of Appa. It was keeping Zuko and Azula asleep, after all.

"Love cave." you and your friends walked by the nomads, covered head to toe in mud.

You looked back to see the cave opening being destroyed by a wall of fallen rock. "That's not good." you muttered. Sokka started to plan everything, and you couldn't deny that he was actually... kind of smart. Appa growled out his frustration as you all started to walk.

"There's only one explanation. The tunnels are changing." you started to cackle as the walls shook. "What's funny, Y/N?" you caught your breath. "Nothing. I just have to be happy, or false happy. Babies are very sensitive to their mother's mood swings, and the last thing we need is Zuko and Azula crying."

The bat thing started to fly around you, making everyone cower as you started to laugh again. Wait, it's not a bat. It's a...wolf? You tried to fend it off with fire, but the thing dodged your attack and the flame landed on Appa, who started to panic. Appa ran around, crashing into walls. The walls crumbled, and you were barely able to make it to Aang and Katara's side.

You, Aang, and Katara started to push against the exit you found, but it wouldn't budge. "I don't know how to earthbend enough to get us out." you sighed, but Appa came to the rescue. You moved out of the way as he headbutted the rock door. It wasn't the exit, though. It was something else.

Katara read the story out loud, and you couldn't help but be amazed at Oma's display of love towards Shu. "That was...beautiful. Great storytelling, Katara." you complimented. Katara stated her idea, turning red under your and Aang's gazes. "But what about Y/N?" Aang asked.

"I'll just kiss Zuko or Azula's forehead. It says love, but it doesn't have to be romantic." you supplied. And then Aang said the wrong thing. Katara stormed off, and you slapped your forehead.

Your friends wondered about what they would do when they ran out of light. Dumbasses. I'm right here, you know. But you didn't say anything, content to just watch your friends. They must've kissed, because the tunnel lit up with green gems, leading a path.

You stared at the crystals, shaming Katara internally for her obliviousness. You climbed utop Appa, holding onto his saddle as he followed your friends. You hopped off as he slammed himself into the ground, happy with finally being outside. "Where's Sokka?"

A loud boom sounded, and there was Sokka. He was riding on the back of a badger mole. "Sokka!" thank god. I would've killed you if you got lost, asshole.

"How did you guys get out?!?"

"Just like the legends-"

"They kissed. A bunch of crystals lit up, and we followed them out. And hey, we know the story of Omashu now." Sokka and Katara embraced, telling the three of you about the badger moles.

"Hey, you. Come with us." Moku gestured to you. "You're fun." Lily chimed in, taking your hand. "Nah. I gotta lot to do before I can settle down. After all," you grinned at your friends. "I have to help save the world."

you see reading my work makes me go 🤢 no matter how old it is. i'm just a trash writer bUT UGH YOU CAN SEE MY SOKKA SIMP SIDE COME OUT

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now