CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE (special chapter???)

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"Girl's day!" you audibly gagged at the prospect. "What? You can come, too."

"No, I can't. How am I supposed to get a babysitter?"

"Mushi, this is really short notice." you barged into the shop, waving at the patrons sitting at the various tables. "Oh, Jia. What do you need? I have a batch of Jasmine brewing right now." you frantically gestured towards Zuko and Azula. "I need you to watch Zuko- I mean, Lee and Kyoka. Please? I'm so sorry it's short notice, but something came up, and you're the only one I know here besides my sister! And we all know she's too young to care for my children." he chuckled, slowing your sped up speech.

"Of course, I would be happy to. Of course, if you're okay with me working?" you nodded. "Yes! Thank you so much, Mushi! Oh, hi, Lee. What's up? Anyways, thank you so much, Mushi." you kissed your uncle's cheek. "Don't worry about food, they're fed and I'll only be gone for a few hours. Thank you again." you set the scarf containing your children down gingerly.

"Thanks again, Mushi! It was nice to see you, Lee!" you walked out of the shop. Zuko tried to chase after you, but Iroh stopped him. "She said my name! She called him Zuko! That's Y/N, why can't I go after her?!?" he fumed. "Because. It's not the right time yet. She holds negative feelings towards us, and we can't blame her. We can only wait."

"A spa? You two really don't know what you're doing." you followed your friends in anyway, nose wrinkling at the smell of oil and roses. "They won't touch my feet." Toph declared.

"What was that about nobody touching your feet, Toph?" you taunted, and she accidentally earthbended one of the attendants through the wall. "Hey, be careful, please. Her feet are sensitive." you warned, and the masseuses clearly took that into account, because Toph relaxed a little.

The attendants had given you, and only you, some weird "relaxing" thing. "Is this supposed to be like the cactus juice? I'll have you know, that shit doesn't affect me-" Toph screamed. The noise startled you, causing you to scream. "Fuck!" Jesus Christ, Toph.

You sent a stream of water towards the rocks, making it steam more, the fog spreading around the room. The three of you sighed in bliss. "I don't hate this." you chuckled. "We don't either, Toph. Although, I am worried about what Zuko and Azula are doing with Mushi."

The attendants tried to do your makeup, but when you refused, they decided to dress you up instead. One girl around your age undressed you, starting conversation. "What's it like to have kids?" you choked on your spit, floored by her question.

"Excuse me?" she rolled her eyes. "You know, the children your friend told me about. She said you were extra stressed from your twins, and I wanted to know what it was like. I'm considering marriage, after all." she pulled Kyoshi's fan out from a pocket in your clothes, holding it up. "What's this?" you jerked it from her grasp, cradling the wood to your chest.

"Okay, okay. I get it, you like your fan. Now, what's this?" she showed you your bottle of gold dye, it must've fallen out in all the fuss. "You see how my eyes are kinda E/C kinda gold?" she nodded, staring at your eyes suspiciously. "It's dye. Gold dye, to be specific. I was on the run, I had to be able to mask my appearance."

She tied the robe tied, causing you to wince. "Oh, suck it up. You're in the Upper Ring, you'll have to get used to this some time." you nodded, wincing. "Anyways, I know you said that you don't like makeup, but I'm gonna do it no matter your opinion. Don't worry, though. I'll do it light."

In the end, she made you look like a princess. You were decked out in a nice Earth Kingdom dress, and your makeup made you look perfect. "You look great, Y/N." Katara complimented, but it didn't shake the feeling of unease. "This is what I used to look like. I was Princess Y/N of the Fire Nation. I was my father's favorite child. I was one of the most powerful firebenders, and I was second only to my father. Look at me. I'm disgraced, forced to walk the earth for the rest of my life with nothing but the clothes on my back and some spare change. Even this topknot. Look at me, I'm disgusting."

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now