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"This place is disgusting." you wrinkled your nose. "Home sweet home." Dock inhaled the air, sighing. "Okay. Let's get some food and go." you paid, ignoring how weird the shopkeeper was. "Hello?" a little kid tugged on your clothes, and your heart cracked at his appearance. "Could you spare some food?" the dam holding your tears back broke, and you scooped up the kid, beginning to cry.

"Of course, baby. Here, take a fish. Actually, could you take me to your family?" the kid nodded, and you handed the other fish to Katara. "I'm going to see this little kid's family. I'll be right back." you let the kid down, and he led you to a woman who looked very sick.

Your heart broke again. "Oh, ma'am." you sighed, setting the fish down next to the kid as the woman smiled at him. "Ma'am, I have food. And I'm a healer. May I help?" she looked away. "Please, let me help. Free of charge. I'm a mother myself."

"If you wish. Thank you so much, miss healer." you chuckled. "The name's Jia. Now, may I have a few moments to gather what I need?" she agreed, and you left to go find some water that was clean.

"I have water here-" oh. She was cowering from you, holding her son. "Ma'am, please. You're sick, and I can help. Please, I promise. I won't hurt you, or your son. I swear on my life." you begged, and she gave in. "What's your name?"

"Kyor." she whispered. "That's a lovely name. Do you know what's wrong?"

"I have pain everywhere, it feels like my bones are deteriorating." shit. That can't be good. "Okay. Please, relax. If you tense, your chi will be blocked more." she relaxed, and you started to heal her, skimming the water over her limbs, over her stomach, chest, and finally, her forehead.

"Kid," you addressed Kyor's son. "your mother is gonna be asleep for a few moments. I healed her, and her body has used all of her energy trying to fix itself. What's your name?" you set Zuko and Azula down, and they started to coo and gurgle at the new scenery. "I am Raan." you smiled.

"I introduced myself to your mother, but to you. I am Jia, and these are my children, Lee and Kyoka. Oh, look. Your mother is awake. Kyor, how are you feeling?" you smiled at the woman, who was regaining consciousness. "I feel much better, thank you."

"I'm glad to do my job. Please, keep my waterbending a secret. I can tell that your village doesn't like the prospect. I'll be leaving now. It was nice to meet you, Kyor and Raan." you left, heading back to your campsite.

"Y/N, what are you-" you placed your hand over Katara's mouth. "Shh. You know how they need food? I'm going to bring it to them. And by the looks of it, you're going to do the same." she nodded. "Don't. I'll do it."


"No buts. Let's face it, the village is expecting firebenders. If you were to get yourself in trouble, your only defense would be to waterbend, which would expose you. Please, let me do this." she hesitated, before agreeing. "Thank you, Katara."

You slipped into the village, carrying bags of food. You set them down in different houses, making sure that each house had a bag of food. You thought you heard a voice whisper to you, but you weren't too sure. It was probably just the wind. Oh well.

"It was the Painted Lady!" you snorted. "It's true! I thought she didn't exist, but last night proved her existence!" he held up a figurine, and you realized that taking on her disguise would be the best thing. "Appa's sick, and since there isn't medicine, let's rest for another night." Katara suggested, knowing full well of your plans.

You placed the medicine at the front of the door, taking water out of the bucket you held and starting to heal people. You were in the disguise of the Painted Lady, so if anyone woke up, they wouldn't know it was you who was healing them.

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now