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"We need clothes, Aang. It's for survival." you reasoned, and he gave in. "I call the suit!" he cried, jumping up and snagging articles of clothing. You grabbed the clothes that you thought would fit you, changing into them quickly. You folded up your gown, keeping your hair pinned in its normal topknot.

"Your necklace, Katara. It's Water Tribe." she looked away, but removed the necklace anyway. "You're right." she held it out, looking sadly at it. "Well? Let's get some food."

"Next time you wanna play hooky, don't wear school uniforms." you gulped, grateful that Zuko and Azula wanted Sokka to hold them. "Ah, well-" they grabbed you, escorting you somewhere.

"You're not Fire Nation." the teacher narrowed her eyes at Aang. "He's not. He's from the Earth Kingdom colonies. Forgive my cousin, miss. I am Zara, and I am full Fire Nation." you introduced, bowing respectfully. "And who are you?" she turned her attention to Aang.

"I'm Kuzon."

"Well? Take off your headband. It's disrespectful." you stepped in front of Aang. "Please forgive my cousin, ma'am. He has a scar, and he's very embarrassed about it." she nodded, correcting his bow. "Very well then. Take your seats." you nodded, sitting down in the nearest open chair.

"Kuzon, you idiot! I swear to god!" you slapped his head, making him stumble forward. "Now Sokka has Zuko and Azula, what the fuck are my kids doing! You idiot." you hissed, not paying attention to the girl approaching you. "My kids are with Sokka now, who is an idiot! No, you're the idiot for getting us into this mess!" you scolded, starting to pace back and forth.

"Hi." a girl greeted. "I'm On Ji." you eyed her up, wanting her to leave in the five seconds you had met her. "What do you want?" an angry looking guy was starting to approach you, and you were getting nervous. "Just to say hi." you relaxed, not wanting to be suspicious.

"That's my girlfriend, stay away from her." the angry looking guy wrapped his arm around On Ji. "And if we don't want to? She might be your "girlfriend", which I doubt, by the way- you're gross looking. Still, you don't own her. On Ji is her own person, and if she wants to be with "colony trash", as you put it, she can."

Angry guy growled. "You wanna fight, little girl?" you chuckled. "I doubt you wanna fight me, but okay. If it helps you make your decision faster," you grinned. "I can create lightning! And, my fire is hotter than yours. I'm a master, little boy. Do you really wanna fight me?" he seemed intimidated by you, but nonetheless, he nodded.

"Yeah. I bet you're weak, anyway." you lit a fire in your palm, holding it dangerously close to angry guy's face. "I could set you on fire in a minute. And, you know what blue means, right? It means it's hotter and stronger than the weak portrayals of what you call firebending." he gulped. "Let's go, On Ji." you giggled, extinguishing your flame and grabbing the girl's clothes.

"No. On Ji, you stay here. It'll be fun, and you seem nice. Plus, I'm much better than that freak you call a boyfriend."

"Where were you? We were worried sick!" you ignored Katara, picking up Zuko and Azula from Sokka and Toph's laps. "You were worried sick? I was dragged to a school without my kids!"


"Yeah. The clothes we snagged were uniforms. Luckily for me, I still have my robes, but I don't know what Aang will do. We're going to go again tomorrow."

"No. Absolutely not." Sokka chimed in. "Yes, we are. Aang is happy, he had fun today. You are in no position to tell us what to do, especially since half of our individual strength is four times stronger than yours. We're going tomorrow. End of discussion."

You mouthed what you thought were the words, and tried your hardest not to kick Aang, who was stumbling across the words loudly. "Since you think this is a joke, we will be having a pop quiz." everyone groaned, and you shook your head, disappointed in Aang.

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now