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"Oh. Hi, Sokka!" you called, seeing him walk past. "Come in!" you decided to be nicer to him. After all, dumbasses don't choose to be dumbasses. Suki taunted him about being beaten by a girl, and soon enough he was decked out in a Kyoshi warrior's outfit, complaining about how 'girly' it was.

"If you're gonna make me wear a dress, at least make me wear something like Y/N's!"

"I'm wearing Fire Nation garb. Plus, this is the outfit of a master. Do you really want to call yourself a master?" he shook his head. "Are you sure you're a master? You're a girl!" Sokka scoffed, and you got up from your seat.

"You really wanna pull that sexist shit on me? I'm one of the strongest firebenders there are- you still wanna play with me, little boy?" Sokka scoffed again. "Not when there's the military!" you cracked your knuckles.

"You're stupid, Sokka," Jia chided, clearing the space so you and Sokka could fight. "Y/N's trained under the Fire Lord himself. Even pregnant, she'll kick your ass." Mei warned, and Sokka gulped. He gave a shaky nod, finally thinking over his stupid decision.

"On my call! Three, two, one!" Suki yelled, and you started off by sending a blast of fire towards Sokka. He dodged, the fire just barely missing his cheek. "Woah!" he yelled, throwing something at you. You blocked it with a stream of water, enjoying his shocked face.

The fight was over quickly, Sokka was too tired from dodging to actually fight you. "You're the Avatar? But Aang is-"

"I am no Avatar. Aang is the Avatar, I can just bend other elements. I'm not from the Fire Nation, I thought I told you this." you sighed, sitting back down in your chair. "Thanks for clearing the room, everyone. I'll leave now." you sat back up, cursing physical exercise.

"Hey, Katara." you greeted the girl, finding her at a vendor. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Aang's fangirls are getting on my nerves, though." you nodded, seeing said fangirls fawn over Aang. "I'll be right back," you promised, heading over to the group of girls. "Hey, guys?" you patted Aang's head, standing behind him.

"I'm sure that you love the Avatar being here and all, but Aang needs his space. You all hold a special place in his heart, though. C'mon, you guys wanna take a walk around town with me?" you held out your hand, but no one took it. "No! We wanna stay with Aang!" one cried, pounting.

"Alright. But you know Aang has friends too, right? His friend Katara isn't feeling too happy, and maybe you guys could help Aang cheer her up?" everybody started to pout, stomping their baby feet. "Ah. Do you not like Katara?" the girls shook their head.

"Listen. Aang is a big boy who does big boy things. Can you understand that?" they all nodded. "Then why won't you let him spend time with his friend? That's a big boy thing. I'm sure none of you would appreciate it if someone kept you from seeing your friend, right? Let's be rational about this. If not for me, then for Aang?" you pulled out your puppy dog eyes, but they still didn't budge.

"Dear lord," you muttered. "What if I do a show? I know you guys love the ones with horses." the kids' eyes lit up, and they started to cheer. "Go, Aang." you patted his shoulder. "Go before they change their mind." he nodded, scurrying off to Katara as you plopped down onto the floor.

"Come on, kids. Circle around." you beckoned them in. "Once upon a time, there lived a big red horse." you made a horse out of fire. "You see, the red horse was greedy. Well, what name should we give the red horse?" you did this every time, but everyone still raised their hands.

You called on a little girl in the back. "Mr. Snuffles!" she cried, and you chuckled. "Alright. Mr. Snuffles was a very greedy horse, and he wanted the blue horse's garden." you created a horse out of the water from your flask. "Now, what should we name the blue horse?" you called on a girl, not preparing for her answer.

"Zhao!" her little voice screamed, and you almost released the elements you were controlling. You swallowed down your emotions, masking them with a smile. "So Mr. Snuffles was greedy, and he wanted Zhao's garden. But when Zhao said no, Mr. Snuffles got very mad. So Mr. Snuffles devised a plan." you paused for dramatic effect, seeing how Katara and Aang had joined your circle.

"He devised a plan to steal Zhao's garden," your voice was shaky, but you forced yourself through the script. "When Zhao caught Mr. Snuffles stealing, he was very upset. So, they started an argument that lasted over a week. Of course, Zhao won. Zhao won and Mr. Snuffles was so upset that he started to steal from everyone's gardens. Which caused an even bigger argument between everyone.

"Eventually, everyone teamed up against Mr. Snuffles and they got their gardens back. Mr. Snuffles was punished, but the worst punishment he got was the guilt he felt from stealing. And everyone lived happily ever after, even Mr. Snuffles. Now, kids, what's the moral of the story?"

A scream sounded, alerting you to what was going on. The Fire Nation was here.

unpopular opinion but babies are ugly as fuck 

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