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"Even if we manage to expose Long Feng, the king could always not believe us." you pointed out, picking at your nails. "It's still worth a try. We have Appa now, so we can escape easily." you chuckled, and everyone turned their full attention to you.

"Even with Appa, escape is not so easy. It's clear the rest of you never had a reason to run away, except for you, Aang. Back to my point. They're earthbenders, their element is versatile. The only ones that could fight them are Aang and Toph, but they can't take everyone down themselves. And what then? The king doesn't believe us. He won't, I can tell. Long Feng is a master of manipulation, there's no point in even trying. Let's leave while we still have dignity, okay?"

"No. We have to try."

"Please, Y/N? It's three on two, and we need you on our side." Sokka pleaded, and you gave in. "Alright."

A soldier grabbed hold of your scarf, and you flipped him over, sending him head first into the ground. "God, you're pathetic." you fought off the other soldiers with fire, making them recoil and run away. "It's like you've never seen a firebender before!" you taunted.

You ran through the halls, being your friends' main line of offense as you continued to either knock out or make the soldiers run away. Let's just get to the Earth King and go. Sokka kept opening doors as you and your friends fought off the soldiers. "This must be it!" He tried to open the door, but failed miserably.

Aang managed to open the door, but the sight you were met with wasn't pretty. "Sir, we need to talk to you! Please, it's about the safety of Ba Sing Se! I know of plots to invade this city, you have to listen to me!" you begged, but Long Feng was already whispering in the king's ear.

"Drop your weapons!" a soldier commanded, and you did. You extinguished the flames in your palm. "This is the Avatar. My name is Y/N of the Fire Nation. I'm their first princess, sir. My country is-"

"She's a liar! There is only one princess of the Fire Nation!" Long Feng snarled. "That's not true. I am Princess Y/N, wife of Commander Zhao of the Fire Navy, and mother to my son and daughter, Zuko and Azula. I am who I say I am. My younger sister and the rest of my country's military has been trying to get into Ba Sing Se for years! My uncle got in, many years ago! Please, listen to me!"

Long Feng whispered to the king, but he was clearly interested in your story. "Go on, Princess Y/N of the Fire Nation." you sighed in relief. "There's been a war. For a hundred years now. It was started by one of my grand-"

"A war? Impossible."

"Sir, please let me continue. The walls of Ba Sing Se have allowed your ignorance, but you cannot live like this forever. Long feng and the Dai Li have been conspiring to keep this from you. They brainwashed one of my friends! The day of Black Sun, it takes away all of the firebenders' power. That's the only opportunity before Sozin's comet, which doubles their power! You need to mobilize your troops for the solar eclipse, or you're going to be dead by the end of summer!" you started to shake, overcome with anxiety.

"You're telling me my most trusted advisor has been keeping a war from me?" you nodded. "Yes, sir. It was for the better at one point, but now your lives are in danger."

Aang started to argue with Long Feng, who ordered your arrest. "You need to listen to me! I'm protecting you from Azula! My sister won't stop until you're dead!" you watched as a bite mark on Long Feng's leg was revealed, and the king asked you to prove that it was indeed a bite mark.

"Sir, I need you to listen to me. To us. It won't be a waste of your time." he agreed. "I can't imagine how a war has been kept from me, but it's worth looking into."

"This is what a train is like?" you nodded, guiding the king to a seat. "Yes, sir. Please, you need to sit. You're taking up space, and that's not ideal." he nodded, and gestured for his guards to come closer to him. "Have you never been on a train before?" you shut your eyes, ignoring the conversation as you tried to reach a rocky sleep.

Toph slammed her foot into the ground, and you wilted when only a couple of rocks showed up. "Sir, this is the Dai Li's doing. They must've known that we were coming so they destroyed the evidence."

"How inconvenient." the king muttered, starting to walk up the hill. Aang started to bargain with the king, and they eventually settled on the king riding Appa.

The king screamed, and you laughed at everyone's expressions. "Katara, take them." you handed the waterbender Zuko and Azula. "What are you-" you stood up, letting yourself fall back off of Appa.

"Wooo!" you shouted, letting the wind control your movements. "Stay there, guys! I'll catch up with you in a moment!" you did flips in the air, knowing that you wouldn't die. Let's hope I do. Cheers to death, guys! You laughed, embracing the warm air.

No. You're an idiot. Another voice said in your mind, and then you were flying upwards. Something was controlling your body as you brought out two fans. Didn't I only have one? Is this what dying is like? You wondered as you faintly registered your clothes changing as you spun.

"I- how?" you shrugged. "I don't know, I just wanted to fall. I probably angered some dead person and now they want to kill me, so of course I can't die on my own terms. I don't know though. Let's keep flying, come on."

"How are you a parent? You're irresponsible!" you giggled, booping the king's nose playfully. "That didn't stop my father from marrying me off. And it didn't stop Zhao from getting me pregnant. I'm fifteen, of course I'll be irresponsible."

"You're fifteen?"

"No, I'm thirty-five. Do I not look fifteen?"


"Y/N, give it a rest. You've scared the poor man enough." you shrugged. "I don't know. You're ignorant, and I don't like that. I can understand that Long Feng has manipulated you, but it's clear to me that you don't understand struggle as you should. Life doesn't place burdens on you based on your maturity, it's random. You're just lucky."

"By that logic, so are you. Right?" you rocked Zuko and Azula, shaking your head at his stupidity. "Whatever you wanna think. I can't change your opinion, and I don't have the effort to try."

"That's the insignia of the Fire Nation. Look at the damage, it's clear that that drill is a war weapon." the king seemed convinced. "Wow! That's crazy that I didn't know about the war until now!"

"I can explain, my king."   

"What is it, then? What bullshit can you come up with on the spot, Long Feng?" you taunted. "That's merely construction."

"And the insignia of the Fire Nation?" you prompted. "It's imported! You know what they say about domestic machinery." you shook your head. Idiot. "Men, arrest Long Feng." the king commanded, and the man in question started to stutter.

"Looks like Long Feng is long gone!" you laughed, leaning on Sokka.

"Is there anything for me?" you asked, hopeful. The general shook his head, and you sighed. Who would send you a letter? It wouldn't make sense, anyway. You don't know anyone anyway. You sighed, it was ridiculous to get your hopes up. It was nice to watch your friends be happy with their letters, though.

Your heart ached seeing your friends not include you in the group hug. You're being overdramatic, get over yourself. "Come here, Y/N." Katara gestured for you to join, and your heart soared. You wrapped your arms around your friends, so incredibly grateful for them. "I love you guys." you murmured.

"Okay, let's all split up. I'll see y'all soon, I'm going back to our house." you watched as Appa flew off, carrying Aang and Sokka. "Toph?" you pulled the smaller girl into a hug. "I won't come with you to your mother, but if you need someone, ever, I'm here. You know that, right? Same for you, Katara. It's the same for everyone. I'm always here, no matter what."

maybe i was wrong in my last a/n maybe i didn't make y/n and katara clash oops

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now